While you are at Cinnabar Island you will find Blue. When you beat Blaine at Seafoam Island, you need to head back to Cinnabar. When you are there talk to Blue once more and he should tell you that you are good enough to battle him. After that he will head to Viridian City and you will battle Blue.
you catch raikou on the last gym leader in the kanto leaders and you catch uxie in vermillion city from
After defeating Koga, who is the fifth gym leader in the Kanto Region, just move on to the next city. You can get the gym badges out of order, so just move on to a city that you haven't defeated yet. Save Cinnabar Island for last, though, because it definitely is the toughest gym.
It's right next to the dojo in Saffron City
Going from the chronological order of the Kanto Region gyms, Blaine, the fire gym leader, and Blue, who has various types, are the last two gym leaders. Blaine is in the Seafoam Islands, and can be found by going up the first ladder you see. Blue waits for you to have the other seven Kanto badges on Cinnabar Island, and then will go to the Viridian City Gym.
Viridian City, Giovanni(Team Rocket Leader) is the Gym leader.
In the first city
blue in viridian city
The last Kanto gym is in Varidian City.
The final gym is the Viridian City Gym. Blue is the Gym leader.
Viridian gym i forgot his name the team rocket boss guy.
you have to get all of the other gym badges in kanto and then go to Cinnabarr island and talk to blue. then go to viridian city and go in the Pokemon gym!
You have to battle the last gym leader Blue in viridian city in kanto reigion.
Blackthorn if you are including Kanto its Viridian Pokegamer01
Blue, the last gym leader in kanto region
blue is the last gym leader in kanto after you beat the elite 4 you can go to kanto by taking the ss aqua in olivine city and go to kanto, battle the gym leaders, and capture legendaries
vermillion city
you must frist go to seafoam island where blaine is, he is the 15th gym leader, then go to cinnibar island and a character who is behind the Pokemon center will then say that he is the last gym leader, once you have talked to him he will go to viridian city gym, he is the last gym leader. this is for heartgold and soulsilver :) hope this helped.