African styled curing rack.
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dengue denude denuder dredge dreng drudge drung drunk dudeen dukhn dunder dunger dunker dunker durene edder edged edger ended ender endue endure eneugh enure gedder gender genre gerenuk gerund greed greek green greenuk greund heder hedge hedger herne hundred hunger hunker hunker hureek kedge kedger kneed kreng nedder neger nudge nudger queen queer quegh querken quern redden redue rehung reneg reune rheen rudge runed udder under unedge unedged unhedge unhedged unheed unherd unherded unked unred urdee urheen
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 758 words with the pattern ---N-. That is, five letter words with 4th letter N. In alphabetical order, they are: aband abuna abune acing acini adunc aeons agene agent aging agone agons agony ahent ahind ahing ahint airns akene aking aland alane alang alans alant aline alone along amend amene amens ament amine amino amins among anana anent aping arena arene asana atone atony avant avens avine awing axing axone axons ayins ayont azans azine azons banns barns barny bawns beano beans beany being benne benni benny bhang bhuna biont bland blank blend blent blind bling blini blink blins bliny blond blunk blunt boing boink bonne bonny boong boons borna borne bound bouns bowne brand brank brans brant brens brent brine bring brink brins briny bronc brond brung brunt bunns bunny burns burnt bwana cains canna canns canny carns carny cerne chang chank chant china chine chink chino chins chons chunk chynd cions clang clank clans cline cling clink clint clone clonk clons clung clunk coins conne conns coons corni corno corns cornu corny count crane crank crans crena crine crone cronk crony ctene cuing curns curny cyano cyans daine daint damns danny darns daunt dawns daynt deans deens derns diene dinna djinn djins doing donna donne donny doona downa downs downy drank drant drent drink drone drony drunk duans duing dunno dunny durns dwang dwine dying earns ebons ebony eevns ehing eigne eking eland elans elint emend emong ering etens evens event exine exing exons eying faena faine fains faint fanny fauna fauns fawns fawny fayne feens feint fenny ferns ferny fiend fient finny firns fitna flank flans fling flint flong flung flunk fohns foins found fount foyne franc frank frena frond frons front funny gains garni gaunt geans genny gerne giant ginny girns gland glans glens glent glint going gonna goons goony gowns grana grand grans grant grens grenz grind grins grone grunt guana guano guans gunny gurns gwine gynny hains haint harns haunt henna henny herns hiant hinny hoing hoons horns horny hound hudna hyena hyens hying hymns icing icons idant ident ikans ikons imine imino inane iring irone irons irony janns janny jaunt jeans jenny jeune jinne jinni jinns jnana johns joins joint kaing kains kaons karns keeno keens kerne kerns khans kiang kilns kirns klang klong koans koine krang krans kranz kreng krona krone kyang larns laund lawns lawny leans leant leany leone liana liane liang liens ligne limns linns linny lions llano loans loins loons loony lound louns lownd lowne lowns lying mains manna maund meane means meant meany meins meint meiny mesne meynt miens minny moans moons moony morne morns mound mount muons naans nanna nanny naunt nemns neons ngana ninny noint nonny noons nouns nouny nunny nying obang ohing ohone olent omens opens opine oping orang orant ovens ovine owing ozone pains paint panne pawns peans peens peins penna penne penni penny peons peony perns phang phene phone phono phons phony piano pians piend piing pinna pinny pions piony pirns plane plank plans plant plena pling plink plong plonk plunk poind point poons porno porns porny pound pownd powns powny poynt prana prang prank prent prink print prone prong pronk prune prunt punny pyins quant quena quina quine quino quins quint quonk raine rains rainy rauns rawns rayne reans reens regna reink reins renne rhine rhino rhone rhyne riant roans roins ronne roons round rownd royne ruana ruing ruins runny saine sains saint sauna saunt sayne scand scans scant scena scend scene scent scone seans segni segno seine senna shand shank shans shend shent shine shins shiny shone shuns shunt siens sient signa signs skank skene skens skink skins skint skunk slane slang slank slant sling slink slung slunk sonne sonny sorns sound sownd sowne spane spang spank spans spend spent spina spine spink spins spiny spunk stand stane stang stank stend steno stens stent sting stink stint stond stone stong stonk stonn stony stung stunk stuns stunt suent suing suint sunna sunns sunny swang swank swans swine swing swink swone swung syens tains taint tanna tarns taunt tawny teend teene teens teeny teind tenne tenno tenny terne terns thana thane thank thans thens thine thing think thins thong thunk tinny toing tonne toons touns towns towny trank tranq trans trant trend trine trins trona tronc trone tronk trons trunk tuans tuina tunny turns twang twank twine twink twins twiny tying udons ulans upend urena urent urine using varna vaunt veena veins veiny viand visne vulns vying wains wanna warns weans weens weeny wenny whang whens whine whins whiny winna winns woons wound wrang wrens wring wrong wrung wynns xoana yarns yawns yawny ycond yeans young yrent yuans zeins zoons
John Kreng has: Played Hawks member in "Huang Fei Hong jiu er zhi long xing tian xia" in 1989. Played Viet Cong Soldier in "Born Killer" in 1990. Played Himself - Comedian in "Into the Night with Rick Dees" in 1990. Played himself in "The Insider: An Interview with Stuntman and Author John Kreng" in 2004. Played Himself - Stunt Historian in "Auction Hunters" in 2010. Played Jimmy in "Battle B-Boy" in 2014. Played Lou in "Mr. Hollywood" in 2015.
The cast of Mr. Hollywood - 2015 includes: Jordan Belfi as Jake Assaf Cohen as Amir Joseph Gatt as Vincent (2015) Keeley Hazell as Maggie Stella Hudgens as Everlast John Kreng as Lou
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern -RE-G. That is, five letter words with 2nd letter R and 3rd letter E and 5th letter G. In alphabetical order, they are: kreng
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 3 words with the pattern K-EN-. That is, five letter words with 1st letter K and 3rd letter E and 4th letter N. In alphabetical order, they are: keeno keens kreng
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 2 words with the pattern KR--G. That is, five letter words with 1st letter K and 2nd letter R and 5th letter G. In alphabetical order, they are: krang kreng
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 13 words with the pattern -R-NG. That is, five letter words with 2nd letter R and 4th letter N and 5th letter G. In alphabetical order, they are: bring brung ering iring krang kreng orang prang prong wrang wring wrong wrung
dengue denude denuder dredge dreng drudge drung drunk dudeen dukhn dunder dunger dunker dunker durene edder edged edger ended ender endue endure eneugh enure gedder gender genre gerenuk gerund greed greek green greenuk greund heder hedge hedger herne hundred hunger hunker hunker hureek kedge kedger kneed kreng nedder neger nudge nudger queen queer quegh querken quern redden redue rehung reneg reune rheen rudge runed udder under unedge unedged unhedge unhedged unheed unherd unherded unked unred urdee urheen
The cast of Born Killer - 1990 includes: Alan Banks as American Soldier Steve Barlow as Convict Christopher Brumit as Convict John Ciannett as Wounded Man Ace Cruz as Viet Cong Soldier Lee Ducket as American Soldier Jonathan Gravish as Convict Ty Hardin as Sheriff Stone Terrence Hart as Convict Douglas Harter as Convict Mark Hesson as Coinvict Keith Holt as Convict Sean Holton as Convict Ev Jasper as Armed Man John Kreng as Viet Cong Soldier Sherry Leigh as Kimberley Dave Markham as Convict Alexander Martin as Viet Cong Soldier Fritz Matthews as Nick Durrell Nelson as Trapper Don Neola as Armed Man Victoria Nesbitt as Dianne Mark Neukom as Deputy Johnson James Padilla as Armed Man Sylvain Picard as American Soldier Ted Prior as Spencer Roland Ramon as Viet Cong Soldier Daniel Skau as American Soldier Dave South as American Soldier Barney Tipps as American Soldier Stephen Trobisch as American Soldier Adam Tucker as Anderson Sam Valentine as Convict Paul Visca as Armed Man Lonn Wade as Armed Man Sean Wade as Armed Man Herb Wells as Convict
4 letter words - G : * gear * gash * goad * grey * gift * girl * gill * grip * grit * good * goon * grin * glad * grid * grad * gall * game * gang * gape * garb * glib * gasp * grip * gasp * grow * gaze * give * gave * geek * gore * gene * geld * gorp * gent * germ * gird * gild * gold * gilt * gist * glop * glob * glee * glue * glum * glen * glut * gnaw * gown * gone * goal * goof * golf * gory * goop * goth * grab * gout * gram * gull * gunk * gush * guru * gray
The cast of Hu xue tu long zhi hong tian xian jing - 1994 includes: Mark Cheng as Prince Steven Darrow Alex Fong as Alex Jackson Liu as Tai Fei Ray Lui as Lam Kwok-Ching John Sham as Yip Yvonne Yung Hung as Kitty
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 758 words with the pattern ---N-. That is, five letter words with 4th letter N. In alphabetical order, they are: aband abuna abune acing acini adunc aeons agene agent aging agone agons agony ahent ahind ahing ahint airns akene aking aland alane alang alans alant aline alone along amend amene amens ament amine amino amins among anana anent aping arena arene asana atone atony avant avens avine awing axing axone axons ayins ayont azans azine azons banns barns barny bawns beano beans beany being benne benni benny bhang bhuna biont bland blank blend blent blind bling blini blink blins bliny blond blunk blunt boing boink bonne bonny boong boons borna borne bound bouns bowne brand brank brans brant brens brent brine bring brink brins briny bronc brond brung brunt bunns bunny burns burnt bwana cains canna canns canny carns carny cerne chang chank chant china chine chink chino chins chons chunk chynd cions clang clank clans cline cling clink clint clone clonk clons clung clunk coins conne conns coons corni corno corns cornu corny count crane crank crans crena crine crone cronk crony ctene cuing curns curny cyano cyans daine daint damns danny darns daunt dawns daynt deans deens derns diene dinna djinn djins doing donna donne donny doona downa downs downy drank drant drent drink drone drony drunk duans duing dunno dunny durns dwang dwine dying earns ebons ebony eevns ehing eigne eking eland elans elint emend emong ering etens evens event exine exing exons eying faena faine fains faint fanny fauna fauns fawns fawny fayne feens feint fenny ferns ferny fiend fient finny firns fitna flank flans fling flint flong flung flunk fohns foins found fount foyne franc frank frena frond frons front funny gains garni gaunt geans genny gerne giant ginny girns gland glans glens glent glint going gonna goons goony gowns grana grand grans grant grens grenz grind grins grone grunt guana guano guans gunny gurns gwine gynny hains haint harns haunt henna henny herns hiant hinny hoing hoons horns horny hound hudna hyena hyens hying hymns icing icons idant ident ikans ikons imine imino inane iring irone irons irony janns janny jaunt jeans jenny jeune jinne jinni jinns jnana johns joins joint kaing kains kaons karns keeno keens kerne kerns khans kiang kilns kirns klang klong koans koine krang krans kranz kreng krona krone kyang larns laund lawns lawny leans leant leany leone liana liane liang liens ligne limns linns linny lions llano loans loins loons loony lound louns lownd lowne lowns lying mains manna maund meane means meant meany meins meint meiny mesne meynt miens minny moans moons moony morne morns mound mount muons naans nanna nanny naunt nemns neons ngana ninny noint nonny noons nouns nouny nunny nying obang ohing ohone olent omens opens opine oping orang orant ovens ovine owing ozone pains paint panne pawns peans peens peins penna penne penni penny peons peony perns phang phene phone phono phons phony piano pians piend piing pinna pinny pions piony pirns plane plank plans plant plena pling plink plong plonk plunk poind point poons porno porns porny pound pownd powns powny poynt prana prang prank prent prink print prone prong pronk prune prunt punny pyins quant quena quina quine quino quins quint quonk raine rains rainy rauns rawns rayne reans reens regna reink reins renne rhine rhino rhone rhyne riant roans roins ronne roons round rownd royne ruana ruing ruins runny saine sains saint sauna saunt sayne scand scans scant scena scend scene scent scone seans segni segno seine senna shand shank shans shend shent shine shins shiny shone shuns shunt siens sient signa signs skank skene skens skink skins skint skunk slane slang slank slant sling slink slung slunk sonne sonny sorns sound sownd sowne spane spang spank spans spend spent spina spine spink spins spiny spunk stand stane stang stank stend steno stens stent sting stink stint stond stone stong stonk stonn stony stung stunk stuns stunt suent suing suint sunna sunns sunny swang swank swans swine swing swink swone swung syens tains taint tanna tarns taunt tawny teend teene teens teeny teind tenne tenno tenny terne terns thana thane thank thans thens thine thing think thins thong thunk tinny toing tonne toons touns towns towny trank tranq trans trant trend trine trins trona tronc trone tronk trons trunk tuans tuina tunny turns twang twank twine twink twins twiny tying udons ulans upend urena urent urine using varna vaunt veena veins veiny viand visne vulns vying wains wanna warns weans weens weeny wenny whang whens whine whins whiny winna winns woons wound wrang wrens wring wrong wrung wynns xoana yarns yawns yawny ycond yeans young yrent yuans zeins zoons
kainotophobia fear of change kaiserin wife of a kaiser kakidrosis body odour kakistocracy government by the worst kakorrhaphiophobia fear of failure kalamkari fabric coloured by repeated dyeing kaleidophone instrument for demonstrating sound waves by lines of light kalology study of beauty kalon beauty that is more than skin deep kalpis a water jar kalyptra veil worn by Greek women kame steep irregular ridge kamelaukion tall cylindrical hat worn by Orthodox priests kamerad to surrender kamik knee-length sealskin boot kaneh Hebrew measure of 6 cubits kantar Turkish unit of weight equal to approximately 100 pounds kantele Finnish zither kantikoy to dance as an act of worship kapnography means of producing designs on smoked glass surfaces karabiner steel link with clip on side used in mountaineering karezza prolonged sex avoiding orgasm karrozzin Maltese horse-drawn carriage karst rough limestone country with underground drainage karyokinesis division of cell nucleus karyology study of cell nuclei karyotype appearance, number and arrangements of chromosomes kasha porridge or gruel-like dish made from crushed buckwheat katabasis going down; military retreat katabothron underground water-channel katathermometer instrument for measuring the cooling power of air katharometer instrument measuring changes in composition of gases kathenotheism polytheism in which each god is considered single and supreme katzenjammer hangover; uproar; clamour kausia Macedonian felt hat with broad brim kava narcotic drink prepared from Polynesian plant kazachoc Slavic fast dance in which dancer squats and kicks out legs alternately kazatzka Slavic folk dance performed by a couple keb ewe that gives birth to stillborn lamb kebbie a shepherd's crook keck to retch; to feel disgust keckle to protect by binding with rope ked wingless fly that feeds on livestock kedge small anchor to keep a ship steady keelhaul to punish by dragging under keel of ship keelson lengthwise wooden or steel beam in ship for bearing stress keeve a large tub kef state of dreamy or drug-induced repose keffel a horse; a nag keister burglar's tool kit keloid hard scar tissue which grows over injured skin kelpie mischievous water spirit kelt coarse fabric made of black and white wool kemb to comb kemp coarse, rough strand of wool kennebecker knapsack kenodoxy the love or study of vain-glory kenophobia fear of empty spaces kenosis Christ's rejection of his divine side upon assuming human form kenotism doctrine that Christ rid himself of divinity in becoming human kenspeckle easily recognizable or distinguishable kent-bugle an obsolete keybugle kente hand-woven African silk fabric kentledge pig-iron used as ballast in ship's hold kep to catch an approaching object or falling liquid kephalonomancy divination using a baked ass's head kerasine horny; made of horn keratogenic causing growth of horn, skin or hair keratometer instrument for measuring curvature of the cornea keraunograph instrument for recording distant thunderstorms keraunoscopia divination using thunder kerf cut, notch or groove; quantity of something cut at the same time kermes brilliant red colour; a red dye derived from insects kermesse cycle race held in an urban area kermis indoor charity fair kern Irish foot-soldier kern part of typeface letter that sticks out beyond its body kern to granulate kersey coarse woollen cloth kerseymere twilled fine wool kerygma preaching of the Christian gospel kerygmatic of, like or pertaining to preaching the Gospel ket carrion; matted wool ketch small two-masted sailing vessel ketjak traditional Balinese dance accompanied by male chorus kettlestitch stitch made at head and tail of section of book to connect sections kex dry hollow plant stalk keybugle bugle with keys keyline outline showing shape and position of an illustration keystone to double the wholesale price for retail khaddar homespun cotton cloth khor a dry watercourse; a ravine kibble the bucket of a well kibble to grind cereal coarsely kibe chapped area of skin kickie-wickie a wife kickshaws a trinket; a cheap, worthless article kidder a forestaller; a huckster kiddle stake-fence set in stream for catching fish kidlet a very little kid kidology study of kidding kier bleaching vat kif drug like marijuana smoked in North Africa kilderkin old unit of capacity equal to 1/2 barrel or 18 gallons kilfud-yoking a fireside disputation killas clay slate killcow a bully; a swaggerer killcrop greedy insatiable baby; a changeling killock small anchor kilobase unit of measure of length of nucleic acid chain equal to 1000 base pairs kinchin a child kincob embroidered silk with gold and silver threads kindergraph photograph of a child kinderspiel a children's cantata or play kine cows kinematics study of motion kinescope cathode ray tube for a television kinesics study of gestural communication kinetheodolite theodolite used in tracking missiles and satellites kinetics study of forces producing or changing motion kinetogenic causing movement kinetoscope instrument for producing curves by combination of circular movements kingpost perpendicular beam in frame of roof kinkle a slight kink kip skin of a young animal kip unit of weight equivalent to 1000 pounds kippage state of displeasure or anger kir drink of black currant syrup and white wine kirking first attendance of a couple at church after marriage kirpan small sword or dagger worn by Sikhs kirsch liqueur made from the wild cherry kirtle man's or woman's tunic or coat kish solid graphite that separates from pig-iron kismet fate; destiny kissel thickened fruit purée dessert kistvaen tomb covered with stone slabs kit a small pocket violin kith knowledge; one's native land; one's friends kitthoge left-handed; awkward klangfarbe tone-colour; timbre klaxon loud mechanical horn klendusic able to withstand disease due to protective mechanism kleptocracy government by thieves klopemania kleptomania knackish cunning; crafty knag knot in wood knarred gnarled; knotty knickerbockers loose breeches gathered in at the knee knick-knackatory collection of knick-knacks knickpoint discontinuity in river profile due to intersection of new erosion curve knissomancy divination using burning incense knitch bundle of wood tied together knobber a stag in its second year knop loop or tuft in yarn knosp unopened bud of a flower; ornament shaped like a bud knout to flog; to scourge knubble to beat with the fists knur knob or knot in wood knurl small excrescence or protuberance; to make knurls on koan nonsensical question given to Buddhist students for contemplation kobold spirit of the mines kohl eye-shadow; mascara kohlrabi variety of cabbage koine dialect that spreads to become common language of a region kolo Central European folk dance having a ring of dancers komatik sled with wooden runners konimeter instrument measuring amount of dust in air koniology study of atmospheric pollutants and dust koniscope instrument for measuring dust in air kop bank of terracing at a football field kora musical instrument similar to a harp kore ancient Greek statue of a draped maiden koto obnoxious-sounding Japanese stringed instrument kouros statue of a nude male kraken legendary sea monster krasis addition of water to sacramental wine kraurosis shrivelling of the skin kreatophagia eating of raw meat kremlin a Russian citadel kreng whale carcass after blubber is removed kriegspiel war-game used to teach strategy krimmer tightly curled grey or black lamb's wool kritarchy government by judges krobylos tuft of hair on the top of the head krummhorn ancient double-reed wind instrument krypsis doctrine that Christ secretly exercised divine powers ktenology science of putting people to death kumiss fermented mare's milk kummel cumin-flavoured liqueur kurgan prehistoric burial mound kurtosis relative degree of sharpness of peak of distribution curve kuru brain disease transmitted by cannibalism kvass Eastern European rye beer kwashiorkor tropical disease of infants due to protein deficiency kyle narrow strait kylin Chinese mythical animal kyllosis club foot kyloe small long-haired cattle kymatology study of wave motion kymograph instrument for recording fluid pressure kyphorrhinos humped nose kyphosis hunchbacked condition kyrie religious petition for mercy kyrielle string of short lines in stanzas all ending with the same word kyriolexy the use of literal expressions