The key code is A7ff vpp7 a4fk an3f f174.
According to Activision's online support you will be unable to get a replacement code. Quote from their support pages: Question My Key Code was lost/stolen Answer Unfortunately we cannot replace your stolen or lost Key, as we do not have any keys to give out. The Keys are placed in the packaging at the manufacturing plant. As stated in the game manual, "If you lose your CD-Key, you will not be issued another one."
The license key is the code on the inside of the cd box (or in cd key in steam) that activates your game for you and only you to play.
It is the code needed to play the game. You must own the game and your own copy of the key to play.
if you have lost your CD key then you can dowload something called a keygen as it will find the key code for that game aslong as you the keygen for the game you need the CD key for.
WHAT ABOUT IT?its located on the back of the game manual
the code is different with each game I believe.
If you lost the book, look for it. Otherwise you will have to buy a WHOLE NEW CD for the game and it'd be a waste of money!
you buy the game or you download it to get the key
According to Activision's online support you will be unable to get a replacement code. Quote from their support pages: Question My Key Code was lost/stolen Answer Unfortunately we cannot replace your stolen or lost Key, as we do not have any keys to give out. The Keys are placed in the packaging at the manufacturing plant. As stated in the game manual, "If you lose your CD-Key, you will not be issued another one."
When you buy the game, it should have a code at the bottom/top of the package or disc holder (Not the insert). That's the key code, type that in when your downloading the game.
The key code for Galcon Fusion should have been sent to you by email when you purchased the game.
i suggest you contact the company who made the game to get a new CD key.
Your key code came with the Cod Waw disk. It's on a piece of paper inside the case
Each game sold has its own key code (the code printed on the manual). It is illegal to share the codes. In most cases you can contact the company that made the game and retrieve your key code or be issued a replacement.
The install code is located on the back of the Game Manual.
Comes free with the game