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There is no Item ID for experience orbs in minecraft. It does not go in your inventory, or you can't hold it in your hand. BUT you can use "Bottle of Enchanting" though, which is a potion that gives you experience, the same effect of an experience orb, it's ID is 384.

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Q: What is the id for experience orbs in Minecraft?
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An item enchanted with the Mending enchantment, is capable of self-repair. When experience orbs are created, some of the experience will be absorbed by the weapon, and it will be repaired a little bit.

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How do you check what level you are on in Minecraft on a mac?

On any computer you should be able to see a long greyish bar at the bottom of the screen (right above your direct inventory) with each creature you successfully kill you will get some experience orbs; these orbs fill up your greyish bar, directly above your experience bar will be a number; this is your minecraft level, if your on 'creative mode' I'm pretty sure you won't have that bar. But you will in 'survival mode' and 'hardcore mode'. Hope I helped? If I'm entirely retarded... Someone, please correct me!

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