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Guilds were trade associations in the Middle ages. There were three distinct ranks or levels of Craftman: Apprentice, Journeyman, and Master. The Master headed up the shop, studio, etc, and owned the shop as well. as stated there were three definite ranks,. this is somewhat similar to the three principal enlisted Army ranks of Private, Corporal, and Sergeant, but there are degrees of each, such as PFC, master Sgt, etc. This has ( Guild class structure) nothing to do with Video Games and indeed such a frivolous activity- and violent at that should not be in the same breath with the tradition-minded Guild structure. One cannot apply master-craft standards to something like Donkey Kong, space invaders, Grand Theft Auto, yecch!

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Q: What is the guild system?
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Buy make guild card go to guild tab. Click guild then create guild

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The first guild in Guild Wars was named Zealots of Shiverpeak. Their guild tag was [ZoS]. They were founded in the year 2003, on the 10th of October during the game's alpha testing, and they remain the oldest guild in Guild Wars to this day.

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Currently (3/24/2010) there is very little information on the guild ranking system for Cataclysm. There is simply not enough information to make any sort of meaningful comment.

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If you were in the guild, you'd already be a member of the guild site... Just saying

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The guilds moved from one city to another. This is a sentence containing the word guild.