The green bar under your health and your hunger is the experience bar. If you craft an enchantment table, you can pay experience to enchant tools and weapons.
The bar at the bottom of your screen during gameplay also known as the "Hotbar".
Because you have a really bad computer and minecraft is using all of the memory.
the 1 - 9 keys
It should automatically be there.
Green:Cook cactus in the furnace to produce "Cactus green".Lime green:Combine cactus green with bonemeal to get lime dye.See the related link below for the official Minecraft crafting guide.
is there a green bar for zanax
yes there will be a hunger bar and they will have sprinting too
The bar at the bottom of your screen during gameplay also known as the "Hotbar".
Because you have a really bad computer and minecraft is using all of the memory.
The default jump button is the space bar.
F1 to bring it up. On Beta/ Alpha
By pressing the space bar.
the 1 - 9 keys
It should automatically be there.
because emaralds are green in minecraft.
Burn cactus in a furnace.