october gem is a gifted gem from the undead
A zircon is a gem.
Well, you can find Gem Tone Crayons of Etsy.com
You can get the gem box for your room by going to the W Shop and clicking on storage. The gem bow for your room will be listed there.
You get the fire gem from the fire mages in the undeadportal.
Poetic Gem Boyhood - 1935 was released on: USA: 27 April 1935
Uncut Gem - 1990 TV was released on: USA: 19 April 1990
Poetic Gem The Old Prospector Talks - 1935 was released on: USA: 25 April 1935
To get the gem codes you have to download the Ourworld.com toolbar. Here is the Gem code (keep in mind you may get this when the gem code expires so if it dose not work it expired) For Monday April 5th through Sunday 11th 2010 the gem code is : DC71-59CD-A172-52EE Here is a great website that will give you the gem codes every week but in order to insert the gem code and get gems you have to download the ourworld.com toolbar.. Add me to my name on ourworld.com is iAyla ... Please , Thank you , And Your Very Welcome
Gem's. Gem's could also be 'gem is' so you have to note the context of the word to tell if it is possessive or 'is' eg The gem's green -- gem's = gem is The gem's colour is green. -- gem's = possessive
october gem is a gifted gem from the undead
gem is son gem is sen gem is send-d gem i son
gem of wisdom
there is no gem
the "gem".