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Bloody Mary is a game young children do at night. Basically you would go into a dark room or bathroom, with a candle and then light it, and chant "Bloody Mary" 3 times when looking at a mirror and Bloody Mary is supposed to be in your mirror or her horseman with an ax. If that happens make sure you duck down and turn the light on and it will all go away. You also have to turn around will saying it. I tried it and nothing happened, try it and see what happens to you.

But if she appears in the mirror with a axe, i don't get it. how can she kill u or harm you? Because it is true that every human has a invisible light around them. and the braver you are, the brighter your light is, and the scared er you are, the weaker your light is, and if your light is really bright then nothing can harm you, not even bloody my opinion.

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