The first letter of a five letter word meaning big incentive pay received by a salesperson is 'B' for the word bonus.
A five letter word meaning courage would be valor.
This five letter word could be spill.Or it could be drain.
A five letter word meaning sorceress is witch.
False is a five letter word meaning fake.
Flush is a five letter word meaning wealthy.
A five letter word meaning peace is quiet or amity.
Tardy is a five letter word meaning late.
What is the first letter of a five letter word meaning "pace"?
A five letter word with the third letter as an 'L' is below. Below is a word used to describe when something is positioned lower than something else.
Ovoid is a five-letter word meaning egg-shaped.
Dizzy is a five letter word meaning unsteady.
A five letter word meaning the opposite of hurry would be dally. There may well be others
e, for large, maybe
The five-letter word meaning the pelvic bone is "ileum."