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Q: What is the first number with the letter a in it?
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If A is the first letter of the alphabet what number is the letter A?

Since A is the First letter of the alphabets, it's number 1. Easy question, easy answer.

What does the number nean on dollar?

It represents the first letter in the code. For example, if the number is 7, the first letter is a G.

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no number does begin with P...but the first cardinal number to use the letter P is Septillion

Which goes first when using formulas the number or the letter?

the number.

What is first number one two with the letter A in it?

Leaving out numbers that have an optional "and" in it, the first number is thousand.

What is the first whole number that contains the letter a?

The first whole number that contains the letter "a" is one thousand. In numerical form, it is written as 1,000. The letter "a" appears in the word "thousand," which is the first whole number where it occurs.

What is the first number to use the letter B?

One billion

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What are the first two letter on a national insurance number?

The 2 letter prefix to the National Insurance Number represent the approximate year of birth.

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Which letter of the alphabet has the most number of countries?

This is what I found out about that subject: The letter "A" is the first letter of 17 countries. The letter "B" is the first letter of 23 countries. The letter "C" is the first letter of 24 countries. The letter "D" is the first letter of 5 countries. The letter "E" is the first letter of 8 countries. The letter "F" is the first letter of 8 countries. The letter "G" is the first letter of 18 countries. The letter "H" is the first letter of 6 countries. The letter "I" is the first letter of 9 countries. The letter "J" is the first letter of 6 countries. The letter "K" is the first letter of 7 countries. The letter "L" is the first letter of 9 countries. The letter "M" is the first letter of 21 countries. The letter "N" is the first letter of 15 countries. The letter "O" is the first letter of 1 countries. The letter "P" is the first letter of 12 countries. The letter "Q" is the first letter of 1 countries. The letter "R" is the first letter of 4 countries. The letter "S" is the first letter of 30 countries. The letter "T" is the first letter of 15 countries. The letter "U" is the first letter of 7 countries. The letter "V" is the first letter of 4 countries. The letter "W" is the first letter of 4 countries. The letter "X" is the first letter of 0 countries. The letter "Y" is the first letter of 1 countries. The letter "Z" is the first letter of 2 countries.

What is the first number to use the letter A?