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Q: What is the first five lettered word that comes after gravity in the dictionary?
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Which word comes first in a dictionary?

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"Daffodil" comes before "daisy" in the dictionary.

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"Care" comes before "careful" in the dictionary because the words are listed alphabetically, and "C" comes before "CA."

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if you look up the dictionary the word that comes after rash is rasher.

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In the dictionary which comes first maybe or maypole?

In the dictionary, maybe comes before maypole.The dictionary lists words in alphabetical order and the b in maybe comes before the p in maypole.If a dictionary lists 'matbe' as a word, it would come before 'maypole', because 'mat..' comes before 'may...'(But 'matbe' isn't a word. Well, not yet it isn't. But, of course, sometime in the future it matbe!)If the intention was to ask: "In the dictionary, which comes first: 'maybe' or 'maypole'?", then see Related questionsbelow.

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Scream comes first.- You seriously need to do some work on your ABC's.