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haha u guys its easy! all you have to do is keep beating your origanal score for example 1 foot flown then 2 feet then 3 go like that on that level till you get to 6000 feets

noooooooooooooooo when u have done all the acievements except the mystery one you click the button "end game" then you will win!!!

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Q: What is the final achievement on learn to fly?
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How do you beat the final achievement on learn to fly?

When you beat the 6000 feet for learn to fly all it does is say you beat the game.

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Can the final evolved form of Gabile learn Fly?

No, Gabite's final evolution (Garchomp) cannot fly. However it can learn the following HM's:Cut (HM01)Surf (HM03)Whirlpool (HM05, Heartgold and Soulsilver ONLY)Rock Smash (HM06)Rock Climb (HM08)

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On the main menu, click on the penguin's beak for "Easy Way." Click on the line just below Money for "Give an Inch." Finally, click under Whirlybird512 on the last page of gliders for "The Brick."

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No, beedrill can not learn fly. The only HM it can learn is fly.

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Yes, it can learn fly.

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No Wilmer learn fly.

What level does a pelipper learn to fly?

It cant learn fly but you have to make him learn fly.Fly is a hm. It cant learn fly but you have to make him learn fly.Fly is a hm.

Can people learn to fly?

no eople can not learn how to fly but it would be cool if i could fly