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Assuming you know the basics of how to train hunter a quick guide of what to catch is detailed below: Level 1 - 19: Crimson swifts Level 19- 29: Tropical wagtails Level 29 - 43: Swamp lizards Level 43 - 47: Kebbits Level 47 - 67: Orange salamanders Level 67 - 80: Red salamanders Level 80 - 99: Red chinchompas As with any guide, it is open to alterations but following this, you should get 99 hunter in about 4-6 weeks.

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Q: What is the fastest way to get 99 hunter in runescape?
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How do you get 99 hunter in RuneScape?

Work your way up to 63 hunter and hunt carnivorous chinchompas until 99 hunter. It's the fastest and easiest way to get 99 hunter and you make a lot of money on the way.

What is the fastest way to get 99 wc in runescape?

look at link below, it has wc training for p2p and f2p

Fastest way to get 99 fletching in runescape?

If your not cheating, then the fastest way is to buy high level logs and fletch them. Since arrows and bows are sellable you'll be loosing only some of the money.

What is the fastest 99 skill to get in RuneScape?

the fastest skill to get is fire making you can get from 44 to 99 in 89hours with maples. Just saying um.... Hunter you can get done within 4-6 weeks for 1 hour a day. 89 hours= 89 days for 1 day longer....... So your wrong pal.

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Seriously, the fastest way from level 90-99, is Soul Wars. It takes 2 weeks to get the 1000 points and every 100 points gets you a level.

What is the fastest way to get 99 on the new runescape skill?

Keep playing. Try to get more xp by kill and skilling.. BTW its max in 120 level.

What is the fastest skill to 99 on runescape?

I believe it is fletching for members, and cooking for non-members, that are usually considered the fastest skills to train.

How many accout have 99 Hunter on RuneScape?

Go to the main page of RuneScape. At the top is a kind of menu; select "Community", then "Hiscores". You can get the information there.

How do you get to 99 attack the fastest way?

I assume the question refers to RuneScape. You have to:Attack a lot.Wear the best armour and weapons for your level.Choose an attack style that gives you only attack experience.

What is the best way to get 99 agility in runescape?

The brimhaven Agility Arena.

What is the fastest skill to 99 in RuneScape?

If you ask me that would be fletching, otherwise they are all the same, but cheapest has got to be hunter. completely wrong fletching can take months construction is easily the fastest skill taking less then a week easy if you have money, and you can also make more money doing magic then hunter (I made 21M for 91-99). the fastest skills are the most expensive and the cheapest skills are the slowest. this is kind of true but construction is both cheaper and faster then prayer. While you can make money (not a whole lot) doing theiving; there's even a guide to get it from 1-99 in 94 hours. hope this helps

What is the fastest way to get 99 fletching?

Fastest means costly, finishing dragon or onyx bolts