CLEFABLE evolves from clefairy you give clefairy a moon stone and it evolves.
Clefable is the last evolved form and does not evolve.Cleffa evolves to clefairy by happiness+lvl up.Clefairy evolves to clefable by using a moon stone on it.
nidorina to nidoqueen nidorino to nidoking clefairy to clefable skitty to delcatty munna to musharna hope this helped anonymous.
jigglypuff, clefairy, ridonan (forget if thats the name, i evolved mine, then used the moon stone to turn it into nidoking)
The evolved form of Spearow is Fearow.
The evolved form of Pikachu is Raichu.
Clefable is the last evolved form. Cleffa evolves into through happiness Clefairy, and then Clefairy evolves into Clefable by using a moon stone.
Clefable is the last evolved form and does not evolve.Cleffa evolves to clefairy by happiness+lvl up.Clefairy evolves to clefable by using a moon stone on it.
Clefairy is a fairy type Pokémon. Cleffa evolves into a Clefairy when it is leveled up with a high friendship level.
Nidorina Nidorino Clefairy Jigglypuff Munna Skitty
Vullaby only has one evolved form which is its evolved form of Mandibuzz. Vullaby does not have a second evolved form.
why, yes i am very nice to you have asked this. i wondered for twenty three days and a nearly year... WHAT IS CLEFAIRY PLAY WITH A ROCK FOR?! and one day i get angry to my clefairy and i say, GIMME THAT THUCK ROCK!!! so i taked it from the clefairy, and kicked it the face. then i see'd it was a MOON STONE. and i thinked, wait a minute what the thuck why this fitch not evolved hold a thuck moon stone. you dumb fitch sssit! so i push this stone into clefairy head and it get dead.... now i am a little bit upset... i will like to tell you that maybe you will see clefairy playing a rock. well DO NOT PUSH IN ITS HEAD!
Buneary's evolved form is Lopunny
The evolved form of Finneon is Lumineon.
there isn't an evolved form of pacharisu
The evolved form of Spearow is Fearow.
nidorina to nidoqueen nidorino to nidoking clefairy to clefable skitty to delcatty munna to musharna hope this helped anonymous.