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It doesn't evolve

(this isn't the kind of question i usually answer but i couldn't help my nostalgia)

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Q: What is the evolve form of sudowoodoo?
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What level does sudowoodoo evolve in crystal?

Sudowoodo does not evolve. That is its final evolution.

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Sudowoodo can be found on Route 221.

How do you get sudowoodoo in Pokemon FireRed?

It must be traded to you from emerald or Pokemon colosseum.

How do you battle sudowoodoo in Pokemon Gold?

IN goldenrod after you beat Whitny go to the flower shop that is next to the gym and talk to both the girls in there and one of them will give you the watering can after that you can fight sudowoodoo in S, G, HG, or SS. Have fun. GO LUGIA

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It doesn't evolve.

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This PokèMon does not evolve.

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What is the adjective of evolve?

The adjective form of "evolve" is "evolved."

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You can't stupid. You have to evolve then breed then evolve

What is the noun form of evolve?

Oh, dude, the noun form of evolve is... drumroll... evolution! Like, it's basically like evolution is the process of evolving, but in noun form. So, yeah, evolution is the noun form of evolve. Cool, right?