You stun them and use lots of ultra or great balls (my friend cought all the legendary Pokemon with great balls) or put them to sleep and do the same thing
P.S. get their health low first ;D
well if you want to get all of the regis 1 way u can migrate them from ruby or sapphire
You can catch feebas everywhere and occasionally barboach i am unsure where to catch magicarp but there is a way
Noi told everyone you migrate one from Sapphire or ruby version.Import it from poke'mon ruby, sapphire, emerald, or trade.The only way to obtain a Registeel is to trade it from games Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald.
The only way is if you saved your game before attempting to capture it and if you failed you can reset the game and try again other than that its not possible to retry catching groudon you can however take a groudon from emerald if you failed to catch it or another ruby game. So, no.
You cannot get the Legendary Dogs (or Beasts such as Raikou, Suicune and Entei) in Ruby without either trading for them or cheating for them because they are not available in the wild in Ruby in any way, shape or form. But you can catch it in Pokemon Ruby Destiny-Reign of Legends. But in the original Ruby or Sapphire you can't get it.
You need to have picked Charmander as your starter and obviously the master ball would catch it with no doubt.
you get the regis in emerald ruby or sappaire those are the only way
well if you want to get all of the regis 1 way u can migrate them from ruby or sapphire
Migrate each regi from Sapphire, Ruby or Emerald.
You can't catch it in Ruby without cheats. The only other way to get it is by catching it in FR/LG or catching a Caterpie and evolving it, then trading it into your Ruby.
There is no way of getting a Turtwig on Ruby because Turtwig was not created yet when Ruby was released. The only way is to hack.
you cant catch it the only way to get is to trade it from a ruby
the only way you can get them is to have to have regigiga and the only way you can get him is to have the 3 regis and to get those you will need to have ruby, Sapphire or emerald and pal park so you can have 2 of each pretty cool right
You can catch feebas everywhere and occasionally barboach i am unsure where to catch magicarp but there is a way
U cant catch any regis in heart gold or soul silver! U could maby catch him in diamond or pearl,there is a possibility I'm not sure tho!!!! Edit***** There is no possible way of catching a Regi of any kind in heart gold/soul silver The only way to get one is to catch one in sapphire or ruby and trade it into diamond pearl or hg/ss
Sorry, the only way to catch tropius is to catch it in Ruby, Sapphire, or Emerald.
no you have to catch groudon first