The English word BOOKKEEPING or BOOKKEEPER has three sets of consecutive double letters. SUBBOOKKEEPER is the only word with four sets of consecutive double letters, although these words should be hyphenated.
No four-letter English word ends with the letters "ton" apart from the English school Eton.
Yes, there are. For example: moon, seen, soon, will.
The word queue is pronounced like the letter "q" in English language. Removing the last four letters of the word leaves that "q" behind. Queue is the same as "q" is.
Pass, moss, toss, loss, mess, thee.
The English word BOOKKEEPING or BOOKKEEPER has three sets of consecutive double letters. SUBBOOKKEEPER is the only word with four sets of consecutive double letters, although these words should be hyphenated.
The word "bookkeeper" is a word in the English dictionary that has 3 double letters in succession.
The country with a small town with four consecutive dotted letters is Netherlands, with the town called Ede.
How many license plates can be made using either two uppercase English letters followed by four digits or two digits followed by four uppercase English letters?
In the English language, it is four.
No four-letter English word ends with the letters "ton" apart from the English school Eton.
There is no word in English spelled with the four letters 'voah'.
The only month name with less than four letters in English is May.If you want those with four or less letters, add June and July.
There is no set of four consecutive numbers with a product of 182. There is a set of four consecutive numbers with a sumof 182: 9, 20, 21 and 22.