The Creator God of Light, Horakthy is not an official Yu-Gi-Oh! card produced by Konami. Therefore, the answer to this question cannot be determined. Also, in the Original Anime, there was no real distinguishable effect besides being able to defeat Zorc Necrophades which is not a real card itself.
As part of the Dual Art Campaign in Japan, 10,000 Horakhty cards have been distributed to applicants. There is no guarantee that the card will be made into English, it might not even get a wider Japanese release. But it does now exist as a card.
In the show? No. Technically, the creator of light was never used as a card. In the game? Once again, no. As far as I know, the creator of light was never made a card. The strongest card overall in my opinion is Winged Dragon of Ra, however, for "Legal" cards, Either Dragon Master Knight, or Five headed Dragon are strongest single cards in terms of attack points.
Zorc's destruction at the hands of The Creator God of Light, Horakhty also destroyed Yami Bakura.
In the last season of the original run of Yu-Gi-Oh, The Egyptian Gods fused into Horakhty, Creator of Light.
No, but there is a card similar called "Armytile the chaos phantom"
The Creator God Of Light, Horakhty is the fusion of the gods name.
You can not get it yet because Slifer the Sky Dragon legal version has not yet even come out for America so Creator God of Light Horakhty won't come out till the legal version of Slifer the Sky Dragon comes out this June-July.
The creator of light, Horakhty
Horakhty is the monster card that requires all three origonal egyption god cards to be tributed to speicaly summon it. When this effect is applyed, the player who summond that card wins the duel.
As part of the Dual Art Campaign in Japan, 10,000 Horakhty cards have been distributed to applicants. There is no guarantee that the card will be made into English, it might not even get a wider Japanese release. But it does now exist as a card.
no only Jesus is Lord only God his Father created Light
No, there is no legit card to represent Horakhty. Even on the show, she was represented as a 'real' monster and not a card, so there are no authentic rules or card for her, not even in Japan, the anime or the manga.
In the show? No. Technically, the creator of light was never used as a card. In the game? Once again, no. As far as I know, the creator of light was never made a card. The strongest card overall in my opinion is Winged Dragon of Ra, however, for "Legal" cards, Either Dragon Master Knight, or Five headed Dragon are strongest single cards in terms of attack points.
Zorc's destruction at the hands of The Creator God of Light, Horakhty also destroyed Yami Bakura.
In the last season of the original run of Yu-Gi-Oh, The Egyptian Gods fused into Horakhty, Creator of Light.
No, but there is a card similar called "Armytile the chaos phantom"
Yes, The Creator of Light - Horakhty is a real card. There are only 10,000 copies in existence, and all of them are in Japanese; they were given away as part of a Gift Campaign. It is unknown as of yet if it will be released again, and/or in other languages.