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Q: What is the effect of mass-production on the price of goods?
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What effect did the assembly line have on the cost of goods?

It lowered the price of goods.

What is the subtitution effect of a price change?

Say there are two goods..x and y, which can be substituted with each if the price of good x increases..the consumer will buy less of good x and more of goods y. Since goods x and y are substitute change in price of goods x will change the demand of good price effect of substitute goods is positive.

What affect will reducing trade barriers between countries have on the price of goods?

the effect reducing trade barriers between countries have on the price of goods are types of names

When a reduction in the price of a good allows a consumer to purchase more of all goods this effect is called the?

Substitution effect

What is the effect of an import tariff charged on particular goods?

The price paid by consumers is increased.

What are the difference between giffen good and inferior good with 3 examples?

All Giffen goods are inferior goods. But not all inferior goods are Giffen goods. For inferior goods, the negative substitution effect will more than offset the positive income effect, so that total price effect will be negative. For Giffen goods, the positive income is positive and very strong that the law of demand does not hold. Price elasticity of Giffen good is positive. Inferior Goods: Cheap goods Giffen Goods: Rice, wheat, noodles are Giffen goods in China

How would mass production effect the price of goods?

It would make the value of the item decrease.

How do tsunamis affect the economic status of the countries they strike?

They effect the price of many goods. Say there is a tsunami in a country or area that pproduces many goods. Take Japan, the price of electronics has gone up. So yea tsunamis effect the econmic tatus of countries.

What is it called when it takes more money to buy the same goods?

A price increase caused by a larger currency supply is called inflation. If the supply of the goods remains the same, the result is a higher price, in effect devaluing the money.

When consumers react to an increase in a goods price by consuming less of that good and more of another it is called the?

Substitution effect

If because a modest price increase has little or no effect the demand for the product is?

If a modest price increase has little no no effect on the demand it means that the product is inelastic. Inelastic goods are those that people will need no matter what the price is, such as most medications, and food as a whole (not specific brands). Elastic goods are defined as goods were the demand fluctuates as the price fluctuates. These are different brands of foods (If Dole starts to charge more for apple juice consumers will switch to Tropicana orange juice.)

What was massproduction?

mass production was making lots of one type of good, all of the objects are identical