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In my opinion, age of war 2.

You can use cheat engine to hack this.... and every other flash games

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Why cant you hack a ds without action replay?

It is near impossible to hack a game without an AR, so don't bother trying without an AR cartridge, ARs are the easiest way to hack games

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Hacking is not good do not do it

How do you get all 493 Pokemon in platinum?

the easiest way is to hack.

Is it possible to hack the game black navy war?

You can hack almost any online game. I assume you can hack it.

Does a game emulator count as a game hack?

no, because the emulator does not hack into the game. certain parts of an emulator, however, such as virtual gameshark/gamegenie, will hack into the ROM (or virtual game), causing those specific parts of the emulator to count as a game hack.

How can you hack Kingdom Hearts 2 and edit the game?

There is no possible way to hack the game.

When was Hack - Unix video game - created?

Hack - Unix video game - was created in 1982.

When did Hack - Unix video game - happen?

Hack - Unix video game - happened in 1982.

How do you hack super Mario64?

You can not hack it since it is an offline game.

Hack as a beginner?

use url's at the top of the screen. They are one of the easiest ways to get into an account

Can you hack Rocket Slime?

You can "hack" any game with an Action Replay.

How do you make hacks?

you got a hachet and hack at the game your trying to hack