The answer is quite simple. The difference between the old games consoles and the new games consoles is not only the modelling of the either games consoles but the functional properties and the way it operates.
Old games consoles are the consoles that were manufactured back in the year 1978 onwards. You'd recall consoles such as SNES (Super Nintendo Entertainment system), SEGA 16-bit console, PlayStation 1 and a whole lot of other old games consoles. It was these game consoles that world-famous characters such as the Mario Bros., Sonic & Knuckles (from Sega), Tetris and a whole lot of others.
However, the gameplay of the old gmaes consoles only features in 2-D mode, and the graphics/bit-rate is not as substnatial or detailed to the newer consoels.
The newer models, such as the Nintendo 64, PlayStation 2, Nintendo GameCube and the Xbox starts to introduces 3-D gameplaying. The bit-rate are substantial in quantity, sois the quality of the graphics and the style of playing. They are, what you'd call as of now, the 2 generation of games consoles.
The 3rd generation gaming consoles are ones such as the new Wii from Nintendo, The PS3 from Sony and Xbox 360 from Microsoft. They are, as of right now, the ultimate in revolutionary games consoles. From the first generation games consoles and the second generation, the controllers contained wires. But the revolutionary games consoles have wireless controllers, thus preventing controllers and other wires becoming tangles and possible breakage.
If you look form 1982 up to now, the gaming industry have come a long way. Personally, I think it's fun to play old retro games such as Super Mario Bros. 1, Pacman and many other games that world-famous gaming characters were evolved from.
the wii kind
No, you cannot find Kirby games on your PS3. Kirby is owned by Nintendo and therefore only appears on their gaming consoles. The only new consoles that would have Kirby in them would be games on the Nintendo DS and the Wii.
The diference is in 1900's the technology was not to this point. Now everything is new, some new methods are applied to all the games. Emmanuel Alcius
Newer games are move violent and negative to those who play them. Between the years 2000 till now , the games have promoted violence, theft, and many other bad things.
the wii kind
No they need the new consoles to play
Some of the consoles are still used and many of the games are still played on PS2 or PS3 consoles. The Playstation games are even sold at the Playstation Store for there use on the new consoles although many have been upgraded
No you cannot play games on consoles made for different regions. You can only play games on the consoles made for a specific region. If you attempt to play games cross region it will simply not play.
It's the Nintendo World Store, not the Pokemon Center. The Pokemon Center was replaced by the Nintendo World Store in 2005. And no, it doesn't have old games and consoles. It only has current generation games and consoles.
No, you cannot find Kirby games on your PS3. Kirby is owned by Nintendo and therefore only appears on their gaming consoles. The only new consoles that would have Kirby in them would be games on the Nintendo DS and the Wii.
The diference is in 1900's the technology was not to this point. Now everything is new, some new methods are applied to all the games. Emmanuel Alcius
New phones arnt phones but fancy cameras that you can play music and games on.
Newer games are move violent and negative to those who play them. Between the years 2000 till now , the games have promoted violence, theft, and many other bad things.
The best place to go is to Best Buy. They always have great deals on the newest games and consoles. I always check with them first and if they don't I try on craigslist.
They stopped making Dreamcast Consoles in 2003.