WHMIS products are for workplace , used in a lab , where HHPS is a household plce , where products are used for household!
WHMIS = Workplace Hazardous Materials Information Safety HHPS = Household Hazardous Product Safety
HHPS stands for Hazardous Products Symbols. These symbols are used to identify the potential hazards of products for consumers.
Household hazardous products (HHPS) are commonly found on products such as cleaning agents, pesticides, automotive fluids, and certain personal care items like bleach, ammonia, and drain cleaners. These products are labeled with HHPS symbols to indicate potential hazards and proper handling instructions to ensure safe use.
The purpose of the Hazardous Products Act in Canada is to regulate the sale and advertising of hazardous products to ensure they are properly labeled and packaged, and to protect the health and safety of consumers and workers.
The red octagon around the HHPS symbol means its "Dangerous" also its a Danger sign
toxic, corrosive, dangerous for the environment
The least dangerous HHPS symbol is Class D, which represents a less hazardous product with minimal or no toxicity, flammability, reactivity, or special hazards.
house hold product system house hold product system
the three degrees of hazard are poisonus, flammable and corrosive
Each HHPS symbol represents a hazardous product and provides safety information to consumers. The symbols are: skull and crossbones (poisonous), flame (flammable), exclamation mark (irritant), and gas cylinder (compressed gas). These symbols help users identify potential risks and take appropriate precautions when handling the product.