The correct spelling is "bastard". The word "basterd" is made-up.
You have to reteach him/her everything you taught him before.That includes:Pottytraining,Smoking,and humping! xD
By growing it up all the way
There is no difference.
The difference between the Dsi and the Dsi XL is that the XL has a bigger screen.
The difference between checkers and Chinese checkers is that Chinese checkers are used with marbles.
Mike Myers played Fat Bastard in Austin Powers in Goldmember.
There is no difference. "Love child" is a euphemism for "bastard". They both mean someone whose parents are not married to each other.
Bastard Sugar is light brown sugar. It was named such, because it is neither granulated white sugar...nor is it purely brown sugar.
It's the same as Stanley Nickels to Schrute Bucks.
Overweited basterd
A fat basterd.
you basterd
your a big basterd
being a basterd
because its a basterd