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New casing, a new chipset which helps it run cooler and redesigned motherboard and a revised DVD drive

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Q: What is the difference between Xbox 360 and the new Xbox 360?
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What is the difference between Xbox 360 and Xbox?

The Xbox 360 is a new version of Xbox. It has better hardware and better performance.

What is the difference between the Xbox chassic and the Xbox 360?

The Xbox360 includes many new exciting features, such as Xbox LIVE, Kinect, new, enhanced games and much more.

Are there games for the new Xbox 360 that can be played on the normal 360?

yes they can on another or new xbox 360

Do new games work on xbox 360?

New games do work on an Xbox 360. This is, of course, as long as they are specifically Xbox 360 games.

Can you play new Xbox 360 games halo 3 on older Xbox?

If you are referring to an "older xbox" as the regular xbox, then the answer is no. but if you are referring it as the first models of the xbox 360, then you can play halo 3 or any new xbox 360 games on your Xbox 360.

Can the new Xbox 360 play with the old Xbox 360?


What is the difference between X-Box 360 Arcade Pro and Elite?

the difference is that the pro will sooner or later will get the red ring of death which will basicilly ruin your xbox 360. while the elite has something new which prevents that from happening. hope that helps

Do the old xbox 360 games work on the new xbox 360 slim?

Of course the original Xbox 360 games are no different from the new Xbox 30 slim games.

Can you trade an xbox 360 for a newer xbox 360 at game stop?

You can trade the Xbox 360 for store credit, and with that you can put it towards the new Xbox 360.

What is it Xbox slim Xbox 720 Xbox Kinect?

July 6, 2010: There is no official name for the new Xbox 360, but Kinect is an add-on for the Xbox 360. However I'm not sure if Kinect will work for the "old" Xbox 360 and only the new Xbox 360.

Do white xbox 360 wireless controllers work with the new xbox 360?

It is 4 controllers on every Xbox 360.

What is the difference between the Xbox elite and the new Xbox 360?

the newer one is smaller quiet and holds more in the hard drive. Another thing is that in the newer one you can't use the regular xbox hard drive for it. Lastly the newer one has built in wifi and is better than the adapter for the old xbox 360's