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$14.99 per month

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Q: What is the cost of a month-by-month account on world of warcraft?
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Related questions

Do you have to pay for an account for World of Warcraft and how much does it cost?

Monthly fee is about $15.00

How much does it cost to play per character on world of Warcraft?

The cost to play World of Warcraft is not divided into how many characters you have. The cost to play is $15.00 per month, that's it.

How much does a World of Warcraft subscirption cost?

A subscription to world of warcraft is $15 dollars a month, you can buy 60 day time cards (2 months) at game stores for $30 dollars. On the blizz store you can purchase time for your account in different amounts.

How much does world of warcraft gold cost on average and what would be a good site?

None are good all are spam and will hack your account sorry mate have to grind

How much does it cost a month for World of Warcraft?

15$ a month

How much does a race change cost on world of warcraft?


How much does World of Warcraft cost in the US for a year?

Your soul and your girlfriend.

Do you have to pay to play world of Warcraft lich king. because i played the game before it just and it was like age of empires?

World of Warcraft cost $15.00 each month to play. There is not really a free to play option. You CAN play a trial account, but it is extremly limited, you can't play above level 20.

How much does World of Warcraft cataclysm cost?

ANSWER::: cataclysm costs $39.99 @walmart in the us.

How much does it cost to buy World of Warcraft Gold edition?

World of Warcraft is available in several forms, including a base game and the expansion packs, but none of these software packages are called 'Gold Edition'. There is, however, a special gaming mouse designed for World of Warcraft that comes in a golden variation. These mice are not widely available and cost over 60 dollars.

Should you play World of Warcraft?

I play wow and its really fun except it cost a lot

How much would World of Warcraft Cataclysm cost in Australia when it is released?

Your soul, and your social life.