If you mean while using an emulator, it depends on the emulator you are using. Check in the options for the controls.
If you are using an emulator like VBA to play Pokemon Fire Red then you do not save as you normally do. You save using the emulator controls.
you must comfigure the controls on the vba not game..as there is no diff key set
The best emulator is NO$GBA
You cam only trade Pokemon in emulators to another emulator. If you are trying to trade a Pokemon from the emulator to your actual game you can't
If you mean while using an emulator, it depends on the emulator you are using. Check in the options for the controls.
If you are using an emulator like VBA to play Pokemon Fire Red then you do not save as you normally do. You save using the emulator controls.
you must comfigure the controls on the vba not game..as there is no diff key set
The emulator controls are found on your keyboard, usually there sound be some recognition through the emulator to determine what keys cause what actions. .j.
To play it, all you have to do is on the emulator, go to file > open > choose your ROM (Gold) and start playing. If you have VBA, you can choose your controls from Options> Joypad > Configure > 1.
The best emulator is NO$GBA
It depends on the settings you set for your emulator. Go into your emulator and go to the controller settings area to set the controls.
hi, you need to press the buttons L&Rif you play on emulator, change the emulator controls of L and R to other letters that you will remember more well.
you cant play pokemon white on a computer without having a no$gba emulator or desume emulator once you have the emulator you can go get the rom for pokemon white.
You cam only trade Pokemon in emulators to another emulator. If you are trying to trade a Pokemon from the emulator to your actual game you can't
desmume is a ds emulator
you cannot trade on the visual boy advance emulator.