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The Contra Code, also known as the Konami Code, is used in most konami games, and is Up,up,down,down,left,right,left,right,B,A, then start or select, depending on what game it is. for Contra, It would be start

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Q: What is the contra code?
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What was contra?

If you mean the video game, contra was a sidee scrolling shooting game for the NES that has been hailed as one the hardest in history, and has the legendary "Konami code"

What is the contras?

The Contra Code, also known as the Konami Code, is used in most konami games, and is Up,up,down,down,left,right,left,right,B,A, then start or select, depending on what game it is. for Contra, It would be start

What is the Contra level select code?

You Should Know this by now XD Jack was here XD

Do you have Contra Funds in India?

Some of the leading Contra Funds available for us to invest are: 1. ING Contra Fund 2. Kotak Contra Fund 3. L & T Contra Fund 4. SBI Magnum Sector Funds Umbrella - Contra 5. TATA Contra Fund 6. UTI Contra Fund and 7. Religare Contra Fund

Where contra is used?

If you mean the contra code, than it is used in a wide varity of Japanese video games. left left right right up down up down A B start select. There are also other versions.

Nintendo knows that the konami code is?

Yes, practically anyone that has touched a classic video game knows what the Konami Code is. Also Konami released many games for the NES that used the Konami Code such as Contra.

What is the worlds biggest cheat code answer?

Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, A, B, Start. Contra

What has the author Contra written?

Contra. has written: 'Kesmasolin'

When did Contra ReBirth happen?

Contra ReBirth happened in 2009.

When was Contra - album - created?

Contra - album - was created in 2009.

When was Contra Conspiracy created?

Contra Conspiracy was created in 1988.

When did Contra Force happen?

Contra Force happened in 1992.