# Blue in the bottom left corner # Yellow in the bottom right corner # Red in the middle on the left # Purple in the middle on the right # Green in the top right corner
just outside the south entrance with a bunch of dark wizards around it
Runescape was originally called deviousmud, which was made by Andrew Gower and Paul Gower, this was quickly changed to runescape. Scape means land and rune is a old stone that was believed to have magic powers. Runes are used in the magic skill for casting spells, and plays a major role in the MMORPG.
There's two stone circles, however the main one is at Taverly, east of the path that leads past the Heroes Guild. Then there's the minor one south of Varrock.
you cant "carve" "stone weapons" in runescape, as there isn't any stone weapons, although if you meant how to make a weapon, using the ores (stones as you call) it is easy, its a skill called "smithing" which is used to make bars and weapons,and even armor, if you don't know anything about smithing yet, try using the information button wich is located in the right top corner with the look of "?" thanks.
There is currently a Runescape 2 and it is a popular MMORPG. You can play it at the website www.runescape.com. It is a F2P (Free to play) and P2P (Pay to play). There was originally Runescape 2, but they renamed runescape 1 "Runescape Classic" and named runescape 2 just "runescape". Runescape classic is runescape 1. Runescape is runescape 2, but they dont call it 2, well most people dont, they just call it runescape. Ricco119
The stone circle is in varrock where dark wizards are.
sorry but you cant make them.
Read the IOU. Then head back to the castle and you'll see some stone balls on the ground. Pick up the 5 stones and place them in this order, facing the door near the table:Blue in the bottom left cornerYellow in the bottom right cornerRed in the middle on the leftPurple in the middle on the rightGreen in the top right cornerGo upstairs (through the north-west door) and talk with the archer there, he will thank you for getting the combination right.
It's inside the cave if you go south u can enter it by using the stone key :)
gives you ex and then when you finish the sttue there is a 10k lamp
In the gamers grotto. (The cave east of the Falador load stone)
a rune stone is a magic stone that you use in runescape and it is magical when it has been blessed and you can do it to make spells and to kill people lololololol rune stone can also just be a stone with an inscription on it haha but i never heard of rune stone in rs :S
just outside the south entrance with a bunch of dark wizards around it
Runescape was originally called deviousmud, which was made by Andrew Gower and Paul Gower, this was quickly changed to runescape. Scape means land and rune is a old stone that was believed to have magic powers. Runes are used in the magic skill for casting spells, and plays a major role in the MMORPG.
A Ring Of Stone is - 2,565,000gp - 2,835,000gp, best not buy it and get a berserker ring for - 1,805,000gp - 1,995,000gp, it will have more use and it has strength bonus.
If you are refering to them turning into stone when you arent looking at them, they are quantum locked.
The best armor to wear in Runescape I would say is Bandos, mainly because a nice combination on Strength bonuses with Defense.