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just press all but dont press fries and cherry

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Q: What is the combination for splash on cupid forever 2?
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How do you get splash Cupid Forever 2?

splash is 6356 or the word way is icecream lollipop popcorn Pizza

How do you get splash on cupid forever 2?

splash is 6356 or the word way is icecream lollipop popcorn pizza

What are all the combinations for splash in cupid forever 2?

The flying attack combo, and others

How do you do the switch on cupid forever 2?

the combination is 2631

How do you get the switch on cupid forever 2?

the combination is 2631

What is the combination in cupid forever 2 for gorilla love?

popcorn, pizza, cherries and finger chips

What are the combos for cupid forever 2?

to find the answer, look at the question belowWhat are all the combinations for cupid forever 2?Then u will find Ur answer to cheat on the game

What is the combination for baby launch and sleepy time on cupid forever?

For Baby Launch it is Chillie, Banana, Chocolate and Burger in that order ! For Sleepy time it is Banana, Perfume, Cake and Chocolate in that order again ! Hope this helps. Cupid Forever is a great game I have now completed it though and I have also completed Cupid forever 2, they are both GREAT !

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