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Q: What is the code to get the gs ball?
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What is the action replay code for the gs ball?

The GS ball is a mysterious and special Pokeball. The action replay code for finding a GS ball is: 94000130 FCFF000 64DA32EA 896EEE58.

What is the Cheat Code for getting a GS ball?

there is a cheat for gs balls by action replay but you don't get many you see the gs ball on the Pokemon that you got by event and that is a gs ball

What is the cheat code for the gs ball?

its (your mom).

What is the code for the gs ball on HeartGold?


How do you get the gs ball in Pokemon Soul Silver?

The GS ball has celebi in it but you can get it through a event or get it by entering an action relay code

How do you get the gs ball in soul silver without cheats?

you need to type the code. i dun no the code. don't ask me.

How do you get the GS ball in Pokemon Crystal without cheats?

I believe there are no way to get the GS ball without cheats. If you want the code, it's: 91C089DA

What is the cheat to get the gs ball in Pokemon Crystal?

The code is 91C089DA.

What Gameshark code should I use to get the GS ball?

You don't need a gameshark to get the gs ball. You talk to a women in Viridian city in the Kanto and she shall give it to you.

What is the action replay code for a gs-ball on Pokemon diamond?

no there is'nt any

Where to get the gs ball?

The GS Ball only exists in Pokemon Crystal however it was only available via a distribution which is no longer possible to get except via the use of a cheat code.

How do you get gs ball in soulsilver?

i can tell you, but whats a gs ball? GS stands for Gold Silver