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D2000000 00000000

the code is called zekrom

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Q: What is the code for zekrom in Pokemon diamond?
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What is the code for Zekrom in Pokemon pearl?

Zekrom is a 5th gen Pokemon and only obtainable in Black/White.e02213495543222551r24124556422244551z21423454336476551

What is the code for Zekrom in Pokemon black?

There is no code you trade with someone who has Pokemon white

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There isn't a code for zekrom yet, it is a 5th gen Pokemon

Do you get Zekrom in black or white?

you get zekrom in Pokemon white version and resheriham in Pokemon black.(in my oppinion, it should be the other way around, zekrom in Pokemon black, and resheriham in Pokemon white version) IT IS JUST LIKE PUTTING DIALGA IN POKEMON PEARL AND PALKIA IN POKEMON DIAMOND.

Is there a Zekrom code you can enter to munna in Pokemon rumble blast?

Sadly, no

What is the code to get all Pokemon in Pokemon Diamond?

there is no such code.

What is the code for Zekrom in Pokemon SoulSilver?

could someone give me an action replay code for a zekrom (not shiny) for soulsilver. it has to work please could someone give me that code that i asked for. oh it has to be for the north American game or (us) whatever it is it has to be for soulsilver and for the north American version Zekrom was made after making Pokemon soul silver.

How do you get dark code for Pokemon in Pokemon Diamond?

You can not get dark Pokemon on Pokemon diamond and pearl

Is Zekrom in Pokemon white?

yes zekrom is in Pokemon white.

Where is Zekrom in Pokemon Black?

Zekrom is NOT in Pokemon Black. You have to trade it from Pokemon White.

Code for Pokemon lv 99 Pokemon diamond?

There is no code.

Which pokemon does zekrom evolve from?

Zekrom is not known to evolve from any Pokemon.