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if u need to know this answer you need to find out your self by buying this webkinz yourself

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Q: What is the code for the elephant in webkinz?
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What is a webkinz elephant secret code that is unused?

a code is j8f8h9ygt6

What is the secret code for the elephant on webkinz?

I'm pretty sure there all different but you can buy them at hallmark or zazu or borders oh you have to buy a webkinz at a store and enter it on webkinz home page.

What is the biggest Webkinz?

The biggest Webkinz is the Webkinz Signature African Elephant.

Where can you get a Webkinz code?

You get a webkinz code by buying a webkinz at your local store. They have a store locater on webkinz world. The code is in the tag that's attached to your webkinz.

A Webkinz zum code?

A webkinz zum code is what you get when you buy a zumbuddy for your webkinz. You put in the code at the code shop.

Webkinz pet for June is it the elephant or velvety elephant?

It's the regular elephant. July is the cheeky monkey!

What webkinz comes with vehicles?

There are many Webkinz that come with vehicles. A few of them are the tiger, pink poodle, and elephant. Only the regular elephant not the other one.

A Webkinz code for a horse?

A code for a Webkinz Horse

What is one Webkinz code?

a webkinz code is 3uubvx8a

Can you get a Webkinz code?

Get any kind of real webkinz product or a webkinz plush and you will get a code.

What is a Webkinz code for getting a turtle Webkinz?

you have to buy the webkinz. each turtle has its own code

What is the pet of the month in June 2008?

Webkinz Elephant