These codes might work:
In every game box the code is different. So you need to buy your own game in order to get your own code. Sorry!
IT is a Code that gives you the elite puffle and suit
You really do want an elite puffle right? So do the ones who actually buy the elite puffle codes. I am pretty sure they like elite puffles for themselves and will want to use the code themselves. So its useless to ask if somebody can you an elite puffle code as no one will do so. All the codes they will give out will either be used or fake. Its true, would YOU want to give it out toanybodyelse if you got an elite puffle code?
You need to be a member and buy the puffle thingy in real life and enter in the 'flare' code.
i have one the code is sweetpuffle
You have to buy the game Club Penguin Elite Penguin Force: Herbert's Revenge. There is a game code inside the box that you enter into Club Penguin, and you get the Elite Clothes and Puffle Whistle. You use your spyphone to acess the Whistle and call Elite Puffle, Flare.
In every game box the code is different. So you need to buy your own game in order to get your own code. Sorry!
All of the codes are different so you have to buy the game to know it
You can get a puffle anytime when you enter a code!
you can get it from gamestop buy the game:herberts revnge
If you have club penguin Herbert's revenge on Nintendo DS then make sure you have typed in the code and on your spy phone you can click on the whistle and it will say "call flare"
to get theuffle inf EPF on you have to click on your EPF device, then click on the whistle. (If you are not a member, you can not do this.) Once you click on the whistle you will get a puffle. Or you might have too buy it.
Buy a a stuffed puffle and enter the code.
You must buy a DS game called Herbert's Revenge. While Playing this game, it will give you a code. Go on to Club Penguin, and take out your EPF phone and click on the Elite Puffle option, ( the picture of a whistle) and it will as you for a code. Type in THE EXACT SAME CODE you got on your DS, DS Lite, DSI, or DSIXL. Congrats, from now on you can call an Elite puffle whenever you want! :)
Its easy! And it works every time! The code is... purple puffle pack
you can go to the pet shop an then click a Puffle an then you buy it for $80. that's if you want a regular puffle. If you want an Elite puffle, you have to play the ds game Club Penguin EPF Herbert's Revenge and you also have to be a paying to get one. Use the code that comes with Herbert's Revenge and use the whistle on your EPF Thingamabob to call one. enter the code and you should get one anytime.