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The code for the Pocus Pod seed for Furnando is unique and may only be used one time. To get a Pocus Pod seed code, you will need to buy the Moshi Monsters Moshling Theme Park game for Nintendo DS.

115: Furnando the Mystic Moggie [Luckies] Ultra-Rare: To attract Furnando, you have to buy the Moshi Monsters Moshling Theme Park game for Nintendo DS. The game comes with a code for the Pocus Pod seed. Plant the Pocus Pod seed with two other seeds and you will get Furnando.

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Q: What is the code for Furnando the Moshling on Moshi Monsters?
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What is the code to catch furnando the moshling on moshi monsters?

Furnando has not been released as a moshling, so it is not known how to get Furnando. Furnando is listed in the Moshling Zoo in the Luckies Set as #115.

How do you get Furnando the moshling without a code on Moshi Monsters?

You can not get Furnando on Moshi Monsters unless you have a code for the Pocus Pod seed.115 Furnando the Mystic Moggie [Luckies] Ultra-Rare: To attract Furnando, you have to buy the Moshi Monsters Moshling Theme Park game for Nintendo DS. The game comes with a code for the Pocus Pod seed. Plant the Pocus Pod seed with two other seeds and you will get Furnando.

When will Furnando be released on Moshi Monsters?

Furnando has already been released. You have to buy the Moshi Monsters Moshling Theme Park game for Nintendo DS to get the code for the Pocus Pod seed.

How do you get Furnando the moshling on Moshi Monsters?

115 Furnando the Mystic Moggie [Luckies] Ultra-Rare: To attract Furnando, you have to buy the Moshi Monsters Moshling Theme Park game for Nintendo DS. The game comes with a code for the Pocus Pod seed. Plant the Pocus Pod seed with two other seeds and you will get Furnando.

Do you get a Furnando Moshi Monsters figure in the new Moshling Theme Park ds game?

No, you do not get a Furnando figure in the Moshling Theme Park ds game. You get a code for the Pocus Pod seed. Plant the Pocus Pod seed with any two other seeds and you will get a Furnando moshling for your Moshling Zoo.

Who is the code for in the Moshi Monsters Moshling Theme Park ds game?

The code in the Moshi Monsters Moshling Theme Park ds game will get you the Pocus Pod seed. Plant the Pocus Pod seed with any two other seeds in your Moshling Garden and you will attract Furnando the Mystic Moggie.

What is the Hansel Cuddly Moshling code on Moshi Monsters?

You have to buy a Moshi Monsters Moshling Plush Toy to get the code for the Hansel Cuddly Moshling.

How do you get the Pocus Pod seed on Moshi Monsters?

You can not get Pocito the moshling with seeds on Moshi Monsters. To get Pocito, you have to be a paid Moshi Member and complete Season 2 Super Moshi Mission 4.111 *Pocito the Mini Mangler [Sporties] Ultra Rare: Season 2 Super Moshi Mission 4: Big Top Ballyhoo!

What is the moshling code for O' Really on Moshi Monsters?

you can only get the code from a moshi monsters toy

Does anyone on Moshi Monsters have Pip or Furnando?

Yes. Members who bought the "My Moshi Home" play set and received a code and planted the Nutty Flip seed have Pip the Savvy Sapling. Members who bought the Moshi Monsters Moshling Theme Park game for Nintendo DS received a code for the Pocus Pod seed. If they planted the Pocus Pod seed with any two other seeds, they have Furnando.

What is stings code on moshi monsters code?

There is no such moshling.

What is the code for Furnando the moshling?

Furnando hasn't been released yet and wasn't in the Ultimate Moshling Collector's guide ,so he will probably be in a future game or book or be a reward for completing a super moshi mission.