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It is a tower in the middle of the desert.

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Q: What is the broken tower in pearl?
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Where is the broken tower in pearl?

The broken tower is below the town with the Daycare. It looks like a bunch of stones piled up and is near the water.

What do you do with the odd keystone in Pokemon pearl?

you go to the broken tower on route 209, greet 32 people underground, then go underground facing the tower and spiritomb will appear.

When was Pearl River Tower created?

Pearl River Tower was created in 2011.

When was Oriental Pearl Tower created?

Oriental Pearl Tower was created in 1994.

When was The Broken Tower created?

The Broken Tower was created in 1930.

How do you get spirittomb?

You have to find a keystone underground by digging. Then you put it in your bag and go above ground and fly to solaceon town and go South. After that you go to the broken tower and put the keystone into the broken tower and it becomes the hallow tower. Then if you have diamond he or she will just appear but if you have pearl then you have to talk to 32 people underground before you catch he or she.

What is the height of Pearl Tower?

The height of Pearl Tower at Panama City in Panama is 242 m.

How do you catch Spirtomb in Pokemon Pearl?

First, insert the Odd Keystone that you got from a karate man into the tower that is broken (Hallowed Tower) south of Solaceon Town and talk to 32 people underground, after that go back to Hallowed Tower and press A. Spiritomb will be there.

Which country is Pearl River Tower found?

Pearl River Tower is a building found at Guangzhou in China

Is there any famous tower in China?

yes Canton Tower and Oriental Pearl Tower

How do you get spirit tomb on platinum?

In diamond, pearl and platinum version you get a key from a trainer and you go to route 209 and near the lake threre will be a broken stone tower and you put the key in.

Where is spiral tower on Pokemon pearl?

There isn't a location called Spiral Tower.