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In both the original games Pokemon Gold, Pokemon Silver, and Pokemon Crystal and the remakes, Pokemon Heartgold and Pokemon Soulsilver, the original male protagonist is named Ethan, while his manga counterpart is named Gold, and his anime counterpart, being Jimmy. Both Ethan's and Gold's reside in New Bark Town at the beginning of the game, with their mom being their only relative. However, in Pokemon Heartgold and Soulsilver, when the female protagonist is chosen, Ethan refers the Daycare couple as his grandparents. Another family fact, is that in a 1997 pamphlet, it was revealed, that Gold had a brother, three years older than him, although his identity was never revealed.

In the anime, Jimmy is seen as an optimistic, kind, and honest person. He is also very energetic, and his only known Pokemon are Typhlosion and Beedrill, with cyndaquil being his starter Pokemon, and with Weedle, being his first Pokemon ever caught. Like Gold, his rival is Silver, a red haired boy, wgo first appeared to him with a Nidoking.

In Pokemon Gold, Pokemon Heartgold, and Pokemon Soulsilver, Ethan is the original male Protagonist, with his female counterpart, being Lyra in Pokemon Heartgold and Pokemon Soulsilver. Ethan is a cheerful modest, and friendly boy, who grew up with his childhood friend, Lyra. He originally obtained his first Pokemon from Professor Elm, in order to deliver a mysterious egg to Mr.Pokemon. After discovering that Professor's Elm lab was broken into, he encountered his rival, best known as Silver. When Lyra is chosen as the protagonist, it is shown that his first Pokemon, is a Marill. Throughout the game, he provides items, and helpful tips to the player.

In the Pokemon Adventures manga, Gold is seen as the main character of the Pokemon Gold and Silver arc, and also the Pokemon Heartgold and Soulsilver arc. From Pokemon Gold and Silver, to Pokemon Heartgold and Soulsilver, his clothes were remodeled. Unlike his other counterparts, Ethan and Jimmy, Gold is amischievous arrogant, and immature boy, who lived at home, which was also called the PokeHouse. He travels using his scooter, and is seen carrying around apool stick, and also enjoys gambling as a hobby. He also While he often appears lazy, Gold is a clever boy, capable of creating and executing his own complex plans in battle. Despite being reckless, Gold knows his limits, although he tends to ignore them. Being one of the second generation Pokedex holders, Gold tends to brag loudly, andexaggerates his lies. Because of his ability, his is known as The Hatcher, after hatching a Pichu egg, within minutes. His current team contains Explotaro, his Typhlosion, Ataro, his Ambipom, Poltaro, his Politoed, Sintaro, his Sunflora, Utaro, his Sudowoodo, and Togetaro, his Togekiss. So far he has hatched two eggs, the first egg assigned to him by Professor Elm, and hatching into Togepi, and his second egg, being the offspring of Pika and ChuChu ( two Pikachus), hatching into the first Pichu, which he named Pichu, because it came from Pika and ChuChu, resulting with Pichu. Gold is also seen as a fan of attractive girls, being seen admiring DJ Mary, and the Kimono Girls. He also sees Red as his idol and teacher, dragging him along to Mt. Silver, so he could be taught.

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