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The current world class system not a PC would be the PS3 320 GB model connected to the internet with a top speed ethernet system and with a couple of PS Vitas to play when not a home. For a small screen on a desk the PS3 3D display screen or the 65 inch LCD LED 3D system with Home Theater for a family room. Then you would add the Xbox 360 Star Wars bundle when it came out because a better system would have both consoles be 3D and have home theater and use the newest best Sony HDTV with a great Internet Service Provider's top internet package

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Q: What is the better video game system?
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being in love with a video game is cool but god as in jesus is better than stupid video game but there still cool but there not better than god! im glad i could help you

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a good camera, a good video game, and a good video game system

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A system to designed to catch information about players behaviour inside the game so the developers can read this and create an even better videogame.

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The magnovox oddessy came out in 1972 and is the first video game system available for home use.

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The first cartridge loaded video game console is considered to be the Fairchild Video Entertainment System. For the first time, video games for the Fairchild Video Entertainment System were played from a chip in a cartridge loaded into a video game console.