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depends on what you mean by best. If you like PVP then it may be one world, if you like power abusing, it may be another world. The most peaceful I have seen is Premia. The most power abusing world I have seen is Valoria.

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Q: What is the best world in tibia?
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The tibia is what to the fibula?

The fibula is lateral to the tibia.

Can you feel your tibia?

The tibia bone is located in the lower leg and is covered by muscle and skin, so you would not typically be able to feel it by touch alone. However, if you experience direct trauma or injury to the tibia, you may feel pain or tenderness in that area. If you have concerns about your tibia, it is best to consult a healthcare professional for an evaluation.

What is the tibia in the thyroid gland?

There is not a tibia in the thyroid gland . . . your tibia is your shin bone.

Who likes tibia?

Tibia is a great game with not very good graphics, but very interesting role-playing game, and it has lots and lots of fans and players around the world..

How many bones are in the tibia?

The tibia is a bone.

What is a tibia fracture?

The tibia is the bigger bone in the lower leg. A tibia fracture is a brake in the bone.

When was Tibia delicatula created?

Tibia delicatula was created in 1881.

What is a sentence for tibia?

Pardon me, miss, but your tibia is showing... I'm going to need that tibia later.

Is the fibula lateral to the tibia?

Yes, the fibula is lateral to the tibia. It runs parallel to the tibia on the outside of the lower leg.

Tibia is which type of bone?

The tibia is a long bone.

Can you walk normal without tibia?

It would be highly unlikely that you could walk normally without a tibia bone in your leg. You would need crutches at best, and most likely you would be in a wheelchair.

Does the calcaneous articulate with the distal end of the tibia?

The distal tibia articulates with the talus. The proximal tibia articulates with the femur.