I recommend these, I used a lot of these myself:
you need to find a cheat.. go to this website. they have ALL the cheats for sims 3http://www.gamesradar.com/pc/the-sims-3/cheats-guides-faqs/g-20061106113750640058good luck & hope i helped:)
You can't. You can only use cheats in The Sims 3 for PC or Mac.
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No But i would get it for PC anyway because you will be able to get cheats on that hopefully.
These cheat codes work for all Sims 2 games: 50,000 money --- motherlode 1,000 money --- kaching Max all needs --- maxmotives Enable testing cheats --- boolprop testingcheatsenabled true For more cheats I suggest you go to this website: http://www.cheatcc.com/pc/sims2.html
All the Sims 2 cheats are the same.It doesn't matter which Sims 2 game you're playing on pc.
you need to find a cheat.. go to this website. they have ALL the cheats for sims 3http://www.gamesradar.com/pc/the-sims-3/cheats-guides-faqs/g-20061106113750640058good luck & hope i helped:)
You can't. You can only use cheats in The Sims 3 for PC or Mac.
this website had all of the cheats, happy siming! http://www.gamespot.com/pc/strategy/thesims2/hints.html
This link has a lot of cheats displayed: http://www.cheatcc.com/pc/sims.html
Go to this website... http://www.cheats.ru/english/pc/s/sims3the/cheats.php Bakedpea it really does work
motherlode kerching boolprop testingcheatsenabled true
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If its on a PC use cheats if on another one, i don't know, probably still cheats!
There are no cheats to unlock aspiration rewards in the Sims 2 for PC.
Boolprop is the only way to activate cheats