

Best Answer

This is what I believe to be the fastest way without losing too much cash.


Quests: Family Crest

Skills: 59 Magic (for Family Crest), 40 Smithing, ability to defeat level 170 demon.

Items: Alot of cash for purchase of Smithing ores(if you want high levels), 25K(if you have completed Family Crest and don't have Goldsmith Gauntlets)

1.You will need to obtain Goldsmith Gauntlets to raise the XP from smelting gold bars from 22.5 to 56.2. If you already have the Goldsmith Gauntlets proceed to the Beware of the Grand Exchange part/WARNING part.

2.Complete the Family Crest quest and take your Family Crest Gauntlets to Avan, also known as 'Man' if you right-click him. You only know he's Avan because it states in the quest. You should know where he located from the Quest and if you don't, he is the Al Kharid mines. Talk to him to either change your Gauntlets to Goldsmith Gauntlets or pay 25K to switch to Goldsmith Gauntlets. Now that you have your Gauntlets, travel to the G.E.

WARNING: You can lose a mass of cash depending on the price of the ores and bars.

3.Buy as much Gold Ore as you can and smith them into Gold Bars. You will receive a massive 56.2 XP and if you are below 65, you should level pretty fast. It is a great guide to 99 but if you want to go another route and lose lot more money for 99, smithing Runite is a great idea although I dont recommend it. Currently(Date:15/02/2011), You lose a little less than 100gp and Gold ores are dropping and Gold bars are rising but it is subject to change with people selling Gold bars from investment or simply making them when they rise so the price will fall. Gold ore will rise when gold bars rise because people will want to smith them when the gold bars are higher to lose less cash.

Happy Smithing/Smelting and I hope I have helped you with this mini-guide. :-)

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Q: What is the best way to train Smithing for P2P?
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