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With a stone pick.

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Q: What is the best way to mine iron in minecraft?
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The best way to mine Glowstone from in Minecraft is to enchant a pickaxe with Silk Touch and mine the GLowstone in the Nether. This way you can get the whole block without risking just getting two glowstone dust instead of the four you need to craft it.

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You don't. You must mine all the way down to 16 feet or less where diamond ore will generate. You must then mine it with an iron or diamond pickaxe

How do you dig redstone ore in minecraft?

You need at least an iron pickaxe to mine redstone.Dig for redstone the same way you would mine any other ore.You must be using an iron pickaxe or better to dig redstone. As for pe, there is ore but no redstone.Make the pickax, then hold down the mine button on the redstone ore.Redstone is found in the bottom 16 layers of the map.

Where do you get iron on mine-craft?

To get Iron ingot in Minecraft you can either kill zombies (but that may take forever to find a zombie that will drop it) or depending on the server you can get to level 10 in an arena. Also someone might be selling it. :) To purchase it is the easiest way to get it in my opinion.

Are there Iron weapons on Minecraft?

yes there are iron swords. you make them the same way just with ingots instead of planks.

How do you get iron in Minecraft without a stone pickaxe?

There are many ways this can be done. One way could be to find a NPC village and hope there is a blacksmith shop. Then, if there is a blacksmith shop, try to find iron ingots in the chest. Also, you could go through caves and on extreme luck, not have to mine at all and happen to find the stronghold and get a chests with iron ingots. In the end, just make a stone pick and mine iron. It's way easier.

Is there a way to download mine-craft a older version?

yes. you need to get a minecraft launcher/downgrader. i use digiex minecraft downgrader.

What do you need to know about diamonds in minecraft?

the things you need to know is that you would need a iron pickaxe or higher to be able to mine it, you'll need to go down a long way to find them basically to the bottom of the earth

How do you make money on RuneScape by mining?

the way is too mine some stuff. Whati s your level in mining? If it is lower than 40 you should mine iron or coal to sell. if it is 40+ mine silver or gold. moneygrey is best

What is the best way to avoid herobrine in Minecraft?

play minecraft.... he doesn't exist xD

What can you make out of leather in minecraft?

You can use it to make armour, in the same way as you can make it from Iron Ingots.

How do you get iorn on Minecraft pocket edition?

The same way you get iron on Minecraft PC/Desktop Edition and Xbox Edition. Just try to find a cave.