chanters board, blackstone irregulars, or majes collective side quests
use a cyber dragon deck
It is impossible to make any dragon item or weapon with smithing except the dragon platebody and the dragon sq shield, and even that is combining rare drops to make the item. The only way to obain a dragon full helm is to either buy one in the grand exchange for a lot of money. Or kill Mithril Dragons which is a level 304 monster in the barbarian dungeon. It is a very rare drop.
it is a such thing as a magical dragon scale Sana can make anything
You can't. Go to " The End " to fight the Ender Dragon.
The ender dragon drops it when defeated
You can not get a real dragon on your team. You can however, kill the dragons, get dragon scales, and visit Master Wade in Denerim and he will make you dragon armor.
You need to kill Drakes or Dragons. Wade in Denerim can make armour out of them.
The best way to get a dragon chainbody would be to use a high skill (such as woodcutting etc.) to make money. This takes a long time, but it is the most basic way.
You yourself don't craft weapons or armour, but you can make poisons, potions and traps from component objects.
actually game informer magazine just released an add for a new one so far there is dragon age origins, dragon age awakening (add on to DA:O) and dragon age 2. dragon age 3 will be coming out and will be relased some time winter 2013, or 2014, im still prayinng for it to make an early release but not lacking game play (i can hope cant i?) lol - bluebunny69 :)
536 dragon dagger poison p++ will be19,783,224gp
use a cyber dragon deck
It will make a lichen dragon
star dragon and metal dragon, but it can make an battery dragon too.
just the best armor you can wear evlarg is weak but make sure to bring an anti-dragon shield
The process to make cutscenes using Eclipse Origins MMO Maker software is quite long and complex. It is best to look up a full tutorial on the process. Video tutorials are especially helpful.
The best way I know is to first be a Dragon Amulet holder, and then do the King Braken quest in Osprey Cove as a Dragon Lord/Rider. You get 400 gold for the win (which isn't too terribly difficult I might add) and a weapon that sells for 150. Plus 3001 exp to boot doesn't hurt at all.