If you're rank is under Staff Sargeant 1st class, then the best way to earn GP is to level up.
How much you get:
But if you are over Staff Sargeant 1st class then try to minimize the damage your gun recieves. To minimize the damage your gun recieves, try to not spray (When your gun fires 5 or more rounds without stopping) unless you are in very close combat or are facing multiple enamies at one time.
P.S. I am Ilvsy1 in crossfire.
You can also earn extra gp by not repairing useless guns like m16 or m700, and also by not repairing temporary crate guns. (type 89 is still very accurate when broken, compared to other broken guns) You can also farm(one person stands there while you kill them repeatedly). Lastly, you can play hero mode(gives you the most gp of all the modes). You can even do surveys to earn free zp, then you can buygp with gp. (BTW, my account's in game name is i_suck_, check out my profile, my many gp guns prove these methods work)
to get free ZP do some surveys on the site its the add that says no card. to get fast GP use your m16 don't repair and do eliminationmatch's.
No it can't be done.
To be able to activate a crossfire clan, you need to be at least Staff sergeant and have 12k gp.
the winchester or deaglr camo
There are a lot of ways. First, don't buy any guns and use your m16 and m700 until they break (don't repair them). Play Cross Roads and Alaska. Don't play FFA or Knife matches, you don't get much GP. Sell a nade or two, that can earn you a few thousand. You can also buy SP with money and them buy GP. Fastest and easiest way. Improvement: You can also play mutation mode , that way you get over 200 GP and EXP for every game you play and you DON'T HAVE TO REPAIR YOUR GUN. Or do what the other guy up there said . And you can also play Ghost Mode .
You can't get free GP in crossfire ((edit)under normal circumstances). Just play games (and play them to the end) and save up your GP. ((edit)However, Crossfire does a ESN Redeem code system. ) (meaning if a player has one they could give you one, but this is unlikely.) EDIT: go to playspan.com and get points then spend ur points to get a gp code EDIT: Or have another player go to playspan.com or Dijitalbayi.com These are redeem code sites Trusted by crossfire. These do cost money but are you best bet to getting free things.
free Answers.com
to get free ZP do some surveys on the site its the add that says no card. to get fast GP use your m16 don't repair and do eliminationmatch's.
No it can't be done.
To be able to activate a crossfire clan, you need to be at least Staff sergeant and have 12k gp.
the winchester or deaglr camo
There are a lot of ways. First, don't buy any guns and use your m16 and m700 until they break (don't repair them). Play Cross Roads and Alaska. Don't play FFA or Knife matches, you don't get much GP. Sell a nade or two, that can earn you a few thousand. You can also buy SP with money and them buy GP. Fastest and easiest way. Improvement: You can also play mutation mode , that way you get over 200 GP and EXP for every game you play and you DON'T HAVE TO REPAIR YOUR GUN. Or do what the other guy up there said . And you can also play Ghost Mode .
You get less than half of what you bought it for. e.g. I get around 14,000 GP for selling my Ak-74 which cost me around 45,000 GP. P.S. I am Ilvsy1 in Crossfire
The ranks are: 1.Corporal = 10000 GP 2.Sergent 1st class = 10000 GP 3.Staff Sergent 1st class = 10000 GP Trainee to Private don't give you GP and SFC to Marshall
The best gp gun depends on if its crate or item-store. The best gp crate item would be the Thomson. The best store gp gun is the m12s in my opinion because it has extreme speed but the all-time best rifle is the scarL in my opinion. Improvement: Yep , I agree but M12s is not just high speed it's also high powered and pretty much the most accurate GP gun . I own it :) it's totally awesome ! And I still have to rank up a bit to get the Scar Light , and I need more GP , I NEED IT!! It's light weight , high powered and pretty accurate!!
you need to be a staff sergeant
log in on TR then press item shop. After that you see there "earn gpotato now" press it. There are many ways to earn gp. ENJOY!! :D