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That depends somewhat, (a) on whether you have a membership or are playing free-to-play; (b) on whether you are more interested in getting more mining experience, or in the money.

Assuming you are free-to-play, the best option for increasing mining experience is drop-mining iron. The Al Kharid mine is a good spot. Drop-mining (a.k.a. powermining) means to drop everything you mine, for faster experience.

For money, you should get about the same amount of money whether you mine clay, iron, silver, or gold. Be sure to use teleports to save some time. The best place for silver and gold is the Crafting Guild, but you need Crafting level 40 (and a brown apron) to enter.

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Q: What is the best thing to mine on runescape with level 50 mining?
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Mining Guild, there is no other better place to train the skill.

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the way is too mine some stuff. Whati s your level in mining? If it is lower than 40 you should mine iron or coal to sell. if it is 40+ mine silver or gold. moneygrey is best

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By powermining, the best place for this is either the mini guild or Dwarven Mines.

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a nobermom

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How do you be that best at RuneScape?

If your a non-member.. Mine some ore like Clay, Iron, Coal, Mithril, Adamant, and Runite ore. Right now my guy almost has 86 Mining and he gets 10-20 k each Runite ore. Level 1-15 Mining, you can go for the money and mine Clay, or go for the level and mine copper. Level 15-55 Mining, you can mine Iron for level until level 41-55, or you can mine Coal for Mining at level 30-55. (Note: You can mine silver at level 20 Mining for money and Gold at level 40 Mining for money.) Level 55-60 Mining, you can continue Mining Coal or Iron until 60, or mine Mithril for the money. Level 60-70 Mining, you can mine in the Mining Guild, so go there and mine, Coal and Mithril until level 70. Level 70-85 Mining, mine adamant, coal, and mithril until level 85. Level 85-99 mining, mine Runite ore for a bolt load of money and mine Adamant, Coal, and Mithril for xp =D