One option is that you will need Pokemon that will be super-effecive against the Pokemon your battling such as Fighting-type Pokemon or Bug-type Pokemon which they would be super effective against Sidney's Dark-types, Ghost or Dark-type Pokemon since they're super effective against Phoebe's Ghosts, Fire-types for Glacia's Ice-types but also Electric-types for the ones that are part Water and Dragon or Ice-types for Drake's Dragon-types and level-wise they should be over Level 55.
Another option is to use a specific team set up for the Elite 4 such as for example Sceptile, Blaziken, Marshtomp, Rayquaza, Groudon, Kyogue. Other Pokemon that would be good against the Elite 4 would be a Level 56 Gardevoir, a Level 61 Blaziken, a Level 53 Regice and Registeel would be a good option as well.
Another option would be to use a team of Blaziken, Manectric, Starmie, Salamence and Rayquaza. Blaziken should have the moves of Bulk Up or Swords Dance as well as Overheat, Rock Slide and either Sky Uppercut or Brick Break, Manectric should have the moves of Charge, Crunch, Thunder and Thunderbolt, Starmie should have the moves of either Cosmic Power or Thunderbolt as well as Ice Beam, Psychic and Surf, Salamence should have the moves of Aerial Ace or Dragon Claw as well as Dragon Dance, Earthquake and Rock Slide.
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The best team for the Elite Four would to use Rayquaza with the moves Dragon Pulse, Dragon Ascent, Crunch, and Fly. Blaziken with the moves Blaze Kick, Cross Chop, High Jump Kick, and Sky Uppercut. Manectric with the moves Bite, Spark, Thunder, and Electric Terrain. Flygon with Earth Power, Dragon Tail, Dragon Rush, and Earthquake. Regice withe the moves Ancient Power, Ice Beam, Zap Cannon, and Icy Wind. For Rayquaza, use Dragon Ascent/Fly for Sidney's Cacturne and Shiftry. Use Dragon Pulse on all of Drake's Pokemon. Use Crunch on all of Pheobe's Pokemon. For Blaziken, use Cross Chop/High Jump Kick on all of Sidney's and Pheobe's Pokemon, Sky Uppercut on Sidney's Cacturne and Shiftry, and Blaze Kick on Glacia's Glalies. For Manectric, use Electric Terrain to boost up your Electric moves, Thunder/Spark for Sidney's Crawdaunt, Glacia's Walrein and both of the Sealeos, and Drake's Salamence, Altaria, and Kingdra, and Bite for all of Pheobe's Pokemon. For Flygon, use Earth Power/Earthquake for both of Glacia's Glalies, and Dragon Tail/ Dragon Rush for all of Drake's Pokemon. For Regice, use Ancient Power on both of Glacia's Glalies and on Drake's Salamence and Altaria, Ice Beam/Icy Wind on Sidney's Cacturne and Shiftry, and Zap Cannon for Sidney's Crawdaunt, Glacia's Walrein and both of the Sealeos, and on Drake's Altaria, Salamence, and Kingdra.
i say that you should use salamance, wishcash, gardevoir, flygon, blazekin and rayquaza because thoughs were the Pokemon i used and beat elite 4 5 times!!!!!!!!!!
red or the elite four if you beat red the elite four Pokemon will be jacked up or red again after you beat the elite four his Pokemon are the same levels as before
Its best if you have 1 fire Pokemon and 1 ground Pokemon.
I would say any fighting types.
for me the best Pokemon to use are blaziken wailord hariyama crobat sableye and rayquaza the Pokemon i used: salamence metagross latias latios and the big ??
Fire and water are the best combination to beat the elite 4.
If you don't have blaziken i recommend you get camerupt, he helped me beat a lot of the elite four
i say that you should use salamance, wishcash, gardevoir, flygon, blazekin and rayquaza because thoughs were the Pokemon i used and beat elite 4 5 times!!!!!!!!!!
Crystal is suicune but im not sure of the rest. Emerald it's rayquazza. he can beat the entire elite four by himself.
go catch rayquaza and poof its a breeze
You can't possibly find all the Pokemon in emerald there are some you can't get like surskit. you can get most of the the hoenn Pokemon in emerald and some of the johto and kanto. But other than that you will need to trade the Pokemon over to you're current game.
Blaziken, Kygore, Groudon, Raquaza........ with an high level.... and a electric type Pokemon that knows electric moves.....
Just try your best and believe in your pokemon!!!
The best levels to have are 60 or above Pokemon wise i doesn't matter the easiest way to beat the elite four is train Pokemon that defeat each members Pokemon.
red or the elite four if you beat red the elite four Pokemon will be jacked up or red again after you beat the elite four his Pokemon are the same levels as before
any level 100 Pokemon that is a dragon type
Its best if you have 1 fire Pokemon and 1 ground Pokemon.