My best team was Iceman, Magma, Wolverine, and Jean Grey. Hope that helped!
My best team was Wolverine, cyclops, storm and Jean Grey. :)
well I'm stuck on level three me and my sister used to play our best team was same as the second but replace storm with iceman
my team
Some MMORPG games like Arcane legends are Dark Legends, Pocket Legends, and Star Legends.
The best team including neji is rocke lee speed and shikamuru for his knowledge The best team including neji is rocke lee speed and shikamuru for his knowledge The best team including neji is rocke lee speed and shikamuru for his knowledge
There is no best team unless you hack it. any pokemon can be good if trained correctly
No, she isn't
You cant play ps2 games on ps3...
Da koreans.
Generally one has to buy a game to play it... so to play as the characters that are in X-Men Legends II PSP version, one must actually be playing that game.
Heres a good cheer if your the xmen who are we xmen who are we xmen how do we play xtreme
This is a matter of personal taste.
The best person to match with HULK would be storm from Xmen.
The best rank in league of legends is challenger.
It is Xmen 2, and you can get it at Wal Mart
Well since xmen four is befor xmen 1,2 and 3, magnito will not be in it but there is some other dude that wolverine fights. I can't tell you who it is because it would spoil the movie but I known the knew xmen 5 is all about magnito.
Celebi @ Leftovers Nature: Timid/Modest Calm Mind Psychic Leech Seed Heal Bell No need for recover
Well, you automaticallly start off with Jeremy Roenick, but to unlock the other legends, you have to unlock them in be a pro and online play, but if you are playing be a gm, then you can pick any of the legends, and they will be on your team