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I know a eam to get past the game easily with this team (Ill include location and moves)

Typhlosion (Moves:Shadow Claw, Sloar Beam, Fire Blast and Flamethrower)(Pick as one of your starter Pokemon)

Golem (Moves:Focus Punch, EarthQuake, Stone Edge and any move will do but i used Rock Blast)(Union Cave is where i got my Geodude)

Hypno a decent psychic type Pokemon (Moves: Rest, Psychic, Calm Mind and Hypnosis)(Catch a Drowzee just outside of GoldenRod City)

Crobat (Moves:Toxic, Fly, Aerial Ace and Cross Poison)(Catch a Zubat at Dark Cave)

Lapras (Moves:Surf, Ice Beam, Thunder, Thunderbolt)(Find one at the Safari Zone)

Ampharos (Moves:Discharge, Thunder Wave, Iron Tail and Power Gem)(Catch just outside of Violet City)

NOTE!!!!: This is updated as a Pokemon SoulSilver Team!!!

P.S: My Pokemon Nicknames... Blazr(Typhlosion) SandStream(Golem) Psycho(Hypno) X-Wing(Crobat) Azure(Lapras) Volt n Bolt(Ampharos(It might not fit forgot sorry))

Oh yes if you want a competitive team here it is...

Typhlosion (Same Moves from above)

Crobat (Same Moves from above)

Lapras (Same Moves from above)

Ampharos (Same Moves from above)

Tyranitar (Moves: Dragon Dance, Dragon Claw, Avalanche and Dark Pulse)(Catch Larvitar or Pupitar from Mt.Silver)

Blissey (Moves: Thunder Wave, Rest, Sleep Talk and Return)(Trade one to you or Breed a Chansey/Blissey with a compatible Pokemon (Ex. Ditto))

Thnx Plz Rate my Teams (Yes i created these teams, movsets and Nicknames!!!)

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Q: What is the best team for Pokemon Silver?
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