i would have to say crash or salvage. this is because both of the maps have very good sections to camp or to invade enemy forces....and for me powerupist i have to say maybe bailout and salvage FOR THE STIMULAS not talking about resuregence but if i was ide say trailer park and fuel
The stimulus package and the Resurgence map pack
Speed Lobby
no, but most people have the "UAV" hack on which allows them to see everyone on the map
I heard that the new map pack will be out in the spring of 2010, followed by another map pack sometime in late summer/early fall. Hope this helps!
none of them.
Rust it's a great place to get a lot of kills.
Every player has their own opinion on the 'best' map in MW2. In my opinion, Highrise and Wasteland are the most enjoyable.
UMP45 w/silencer - Terminal
It means one of the Mw2 map designers had a daughter that died of cancer and she was obsessed with teddy bears so the map desingers. It has been in the CoD from WaW to Mw2
Sniping-Wasteland Rush-Rust Nubetubing-Scrapyard Riotshielding-Terminal Camping-Overpass Best overall - Terminal
you dont..
They need to be purchased
The stimulus Package and the Resurgence Pack are downloadable Map packs you must purchase to add to the COD MW2 Video Game.