I think the best moves for a Cubone are Bone Rush, Bonemerang, and Bone Club.
the oposite gender of cubone I started with cubone yesterday. I have pikachu and im already up to going to see xatu. plus pikachu is good because it is nothing like cubone
the best place to find cubone is in the safari zone in the desert area and just to be safe add your statue to the terrain and u should run into him after a little bit
Cubone evolves into Marowak at level 28.
Cubone evolves into Marowak, starting at level 28.
Cubone evolves at level 28
Cubone is very good but doesnt learn good moves for a while. Pikachu is the best partner as it is effective against water and flying which are very effective against cubone.
The perfect Cubone is; Breeded. Maxed Stats. Serious Nature. And has These 4 moves. -Bone Club -Bonemerang -Bone Rush -Skull Bash Evolve it into Marowak, and by level 100, You'll have one of the best ground types in the game.
probably cubone and totodile because totodile learns ice fang and you are gonna need ice type moves
the oposite gender of cubone I started with cubone yesterday. I have pikachu and im already up to going to see xatu. plus pikachu is good because it is nothing like cubone
No, Cubone is not a baby Kangaskhan. A Cubone has no relation to Kangaskhan.
cubone>marowak at level 28
be cute, cool get a cubone mask and bone then act like a cubone Hoped i helped you
the best place to find cubone is in the safari zone in the desert area and just to be safe add your statue to the terrain and u should run into him after a little bit
Cubone evolves into Marowak at level 28.
The starter Pokemon in Blue Rescue Team are: Girl: Pikachu Bulbasaur Charmander Squirtle Chikorita Totodile Treeko Torchic Mudkip Cubone Skitty Eevee Psyduck Boy: Pikachu Bulbasaur Charmander Squirtle Cyndaquil Totodile Treeko Torchic Mudkip Meowth Cubone Machop Psyduck
I think that cubone is the best for the hero because it is just so cool and is said to be one of the strongest starters in the game. i think it would be pikachu or cubone one or the other
Cubone evolves into Marowak at level 28.