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The best armour to wear depends on the combat style you're using. If using melee, Dragon armour is the best, Black dragonhide armour is the best for ranged, and Grifolic armour is the best for magic. Using the wrong style armour for the wrong class will lower your accuracy.
Armour is very important. It protects you when you are in battle.Depends on combat type. If somebody or something attacks you with magic, the armour will actually give you more damage instead of less. High-level armour is especially important if both you and anyone you attack use a melee attack. Different types of clothing give different attack and defense bonuses; check out the "equipment stats" for more details.
Spell List Good Spells: Expello Mortis (Banish Death)This spell must be cast before the Reaper has sent the deceased sims soul on to the next plane. With the spell, the witch can revive the dead sim. Target: Dead Sim or Reaper Magic Skill: 9 Alignment: Good 90% upwards Reagents: 2 Dragon Scales, 2 Essence of Light, 2 Crystallized Moonbeams Mactoamicus (Make friendly with...) For 24 hours, the target sim builds relationships faster with another specific sim on the lot. The spell also removes any furious state existing between the two. Target: Self or Sim Magic Skill: 8 Alignment: 90% upwards Reagents: 1 Dragon Scales, 1 Mystic Dust, 2 Essence of Light, 2 Crystallized Moonbeams Benemoodus Populus (Good mood for all on lot) Increases each need of every sim on the lot. Magic Skill: 7 Alignment: Good 50% upwards Reagents: 1 Mystic Dust, 2 Essence of Light, 2 Crystallized Moonbeams Apello Servantus (Summon Spectral Assistant) Summons a Good Spectral Assistant. This assistant will does all service sim chores around the lot (Maid, Gardener, Repairman, Exterminator) Target: Self Magic Skill: 6 Alignment: 50% Good upwards Reagents: 1 Dragon Scales, 1 Mystic Dust, 2 Essence of Light, 1 Crystallized Moonbeams Compello Acceptus (Compel to accept socials) The next five socials directed at the target sim will count as having maximum mood and relationship scores Target: Sim (Child or older) Magic Skill: 5 Alignment: Good 20% upwards Reagents: 1 Dragon Scales, 1 Mystic Dust, 1 Essence of Light, 2 Crystallized Moonbeams Beautificus Locus (Beautify Lot)Causes a glow of positive light, stops any rain, destroys all cockroaches on lot, and creates butterflies/fireflies (depending on time). Head Witches cast this on their arrival to any lot. A newly transformed Good Witch will also autonomously cast this (With free reagent costs this one time). Target: Self Magic Skill: 0 Alignment: Good 20% Reagent Cost: 1 Dragon Scales, 1 Mystic Dust, 1 Essence of Light, 2 Crystallized Moonbeams Remedis Simae (Cure Sim of Illness) Removes all sicknesses (except pregnancy vomiting) from target Target: Self or Sim Magic Skill: 3 Alignment: Neutral -19% upwards Reagents: 1 Mystic Dust, 1 Essence of Light, 1 Crystallized Moonbeams Exflammo (Extinguish Fire) Puts out any fire immediately. Target: Fire Magic Skill: 2 Alignment: Evil -49% upwards Reagents: 1 Mystic Dust, 2 Crystallized Moonbeams Creatum Insecto Volucris (Create Butterflies/Fireflies) What it say in the translation. Butterflies by day, fireflies by night. Target: Outdoor Ground Magic Skill: 0 Alignment: Evil -89% upwards Reagents: 1 Essence of Light, 2 Crystallized Moonbeams Benemoodus Simae (Good mood for one sim) Satisfies targets needs Target: Self or Sim Magic Skill: 0 Alignment: Any Reagents: 2 Mystic Dust, 1 Crystallized Moonbeams Neutral SpellsCleanius Corpus (Clean Body) Satifies hygiene needs Target: Self Magic Skill: 0 Alignment: Any Reagents: 2 Mystic Dust Aqua Deletus (Remove all puddles) Instantly dries up all puddles on lot Target: Puddle Magic Skill: 0 Alignment: Any Reagents: 1 Mystic Dust, 1 Crystallized Moonbeams Folium Deletus (Remove all leaf piles) Removes leaf pile and those near it (Seasons Only Spell) Target: Leaf Pile Magic Skill: 0 Alignment: Any Reagents: 1 Mystic Dust, 1 Eye of Newt Corpus Athelticus (Fit Body) Increases targets fitness level Target: Self or Sim Magic Skill: 1 Alignment: Any Reagents: 1 Dragon Scales, 2 Mystic Dust Corpus Fleshicus( Unfit Body)Decreases targets fitness level Target:Self or Sim Magic Skill: 1 Alignment: Any Reagents: 2 Dragon Scales, 1 Mystic Dust Magivestigium (Teleport)Teleports sim to target location. No casting time Target: Floor/Terrain Magic Skill: 3 Alignment: Any Reagents: None Expello Simae (Banish Sim) Target immediately departs the Lot. Target: Sim Magic Skill: 4 Alignment: Any Reagents: 1 Dragon Scales, 1 Mystic Dust, 1 Eye of Newt Creatum Nutrimens (Create Food) Conjures a plate of food in sims hand Target: Self Magic Skill: 4 Alignment: Any Reagents: 2 Dragon Scales, 1 Mystic Dust Apello Cattus Amicus (Summon Spectral Cat) Summons your Witches familiar. On first summoning, you name this cat. Default name is (Witch Name)'s Familiar. This acts like a cat from the Pets expansion, but has no gender (thus cannot have kittens with other cats), doesn't age, and doesn't have a bladder need. Acts in every other way as a cat. Will despawn when owner leave the lot (For work, school etc). Same cat will be summoned each casting of the spell, and it maintains relationship scores between summonings. Will not despawn if chosen as an accompanying sim when travelling to other lots. If your witch sim moves house, cat must be summoned and chosen as an accompanying sim, otherwise a brand new familiar will be summoned upon casting this spell in a new home. Target: Self Magic Skill: 5 Alignment: Any Reagents: 1 Dragon Scales, 3 Mystic Dust Purgomagus (Dispel Magic)Removes ongoing magical effect on target Target: Self or Sim Magic Skill: 6 Alignment: Any Reagents: 2 Dragon Scales, 2 Mystic Dust Apello Simae (Summon Sim) Selected sim will come immediately to the lot. Sim selected must be on the witches contact list Target: Self Magic Skill: 7 Alignment: Any Reagents: 2 Dragon Scales, 2 Mystic Dust, 1 Crystallized Moonbeams Magus Mutatio (Magical Tranformation) Target sim will be turned into a witch of your alignment. New witch rules apply to the target, except if cast by a neutral witch, new witches alignment will be 0% neutral. Target: Non-witch Sim Magic Skill: 9 Alignment: Any Reagents: 1 Dragon Scales, 1 Mystic Dust, 2 Crystallized Moonbeams, 2 Eye of Newt Tempus Interruptus (Time Stop) Halts time for everyone apart from witches and spectral cats. All other sims and pets freeze as if paused, and cannot be interacted with. Witches continue acting as normal. During Time Stop, clock does not progress. Certain object interactions may not be available though. Time stop ends when your witch leaves the lot (Or if the casting witch dies) Evil Spells Spiritus Poultria (Spirit of the Chicken) Targets acts like a chicken for a short time Target: Self or Sim Magic Skill: 0 Alignment: Any Reagents: 2 Mystic Dust, 1 Eye of Newt Mellifera Attackum (Bee Attack) Summons bees to attack target Target: Self or Sim Magic Skill: 0 Alignment: Good 89% downwards Reagents: 2 Eye of Newt, 1 Viper's Essence Inflammo (Start Fire) Starts a fire on the target spot Target: Ground/Floor Magic Skill: 2 Alignment: Good 49% downwards Reagents: 1 Mystic Dust, 2 Eye of Newt Heavus-Ho (Make Sim vomit) If there is a toilet on the lot, target rushes to vomit. No effect if there is no toilet on lot Target: Sim Magic Skill: 3 Alignment: Good 19% downwards Reagents: 1 Mystic Dust, 1 Eye of Newt, 1 Viper's essence Corruptus Locus (Corrupt Lot)Summons cockroach swarms, removes butteflies/fireflies, and starts a thunderstorm. This is the spell cast by the Evil Head Witch when she arrives on a lot. It is also cast by a newly transformed evil witch autonomously (With no reagent cost for first casting) Target: Self Magic Skill: 0 Alignment: Evil -20% downwards Reagents: 1 Dragon Scales, 1 Mystic Dust, 2 Eye of Newt Compello Discrepo (Compel to reject socials) Next five socials directed at target will act as though has minimum mood and relationship scores. Target: Sim (Child or older) Magic Skill: 5 Alignment: Evil 20% downwards Reagents: 1 Dragon Scales, 1 Mystic Dust, 2 Eye of Newt Servantus Attackum (Summon Spectral Attacker) Summons an Evil spectral assistant to attack any teen or older sim, or a Good Witches spectral assistant. Victim knows who is behind the attack. Target: Sim or Good Magical Assistant Magic Skill: 6 Alignment: Evil -50% downwards Reagents: 1 Dragon Scales, 1 Mystic Dust, 1 Eye of Newt, 1 Viper's Essence Tabula Rasa (Blank Slate) Erases all targets memories and sets all daily and lifetime relationship scores to 0. This is permanent (Can be removed with Purgomagus) Target: Self or Sim Magic Skill: 7 Alignment: Evil -50% downwards Reagents: 1 Mystic Dust, 2 Eye of Newt, 2 Viper's essence Extractum Amorus (Remove Love)Select a relationship to destroy. Both parties must be on the lot. Target goes to selected sim and breaks up relationship. If this is a marriage of sims living on the lot, , they divorce and target moves out. If this is marriage between two sims who don't live on this lot, marriage is not dissolved and target will not move out. Target: Sim with love, crush or marriage relationship to other sim on lot. Magic Skill: 8 Alignment: Evil -90% downwards Reagents: 1 Dragon Scales, 1 Mystic Dust, 2 Eye of Newt, 2 Viper Essence Vivificus Zombiae (Raise Zombie) Select one of the neighbourhood's dead sims to raise them as a zombie. Target: Self Magic Skill: 9 Alignment: Evil -90% downwards Reagents: 2 Dragon Scales, 2 Eye of Newt, 2 Viper Venom Well, that's it for Witches in The Sims 2: Apartment Life. Happy Casting (Morris, 2008)
Runes of magic is a game that is based in a magic medieval world.
Any magic can backfire, specially the magic done with bad (or unfair) intention.